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Upgrade music


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2004
Early 1976 L-48, 2008 Victory Red
Hey, I have the orginal AM/FM radio in my 76 and while it works good and I love the orginality I want more music options. I have been thinking about replacing the bezal and radio with one from the major suppliers. Now I have another idea I am thinking about a MP3 player with the FM transmitter option that way I can keep the car as is and play the new music thru the orginal radio, has any one done this and is it as easy and sweet as it seems?
Hey, I have the original AM/FM radio in my 76 and while it works good and I love the originality I want more music options. I have been thinking about replacing the bezel and radio with one from the major suppliers. Now I have another idea I am thinking about a MP3 player with the FM transmitter option that way I can keep the car as is and play the new music thru the original radio, has any one done this and is it as easy and sweet as it seems?

There is more to sound quality than just the source- it is the end-to-end system that sends it from the receiver to you.

You can try doing this- use the speaker leads and run them into the high-level inputs on an amplifier- your choices for for sound quality will improve.

I use a Belkin transmitter to play my iPod thru the radio on my Jetta, I'm very happy with how it works, but if you live in a town where the airwaves are crowded you may have a different experience.

The only music I listen to in the Vette is that which comes from the twin pipes.

My thought was to leave the stock radio in place and mount a second stereo in one of the bins. That would be one of the new units that could handle cds\mp3s\ect. It would seem that all I would need to have is some kind of split setup to go between one stereo and the other. Im not a wiring wizard, so Im not sure that this is even possible. If its do-able, that might be another option for ya.

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