You can also get a free Restoration Package for your Corvette from GM/Chevrolet. Call the Chevrolet Customer Assistance hotline at (800) 222-1020 or 810-696-4800. You will need to supply the VIN of the car.
The phone call only takes 4-5 minutes of your time and is absolutely free. The Restoration Package usually gets sent out to you within 2-3 business days of your request and includes the following:
Chevrolet Past Model Parts
Chevy Restoration Corvette Manual
These are unbound photo copies of the manual. The Restoration Manual is a specifications book for the model year that you request. It includes several magazines articles, followed by an order guide for that model year, General Information and a Vehicle Overview. MVMA specifcaitons for your requested model year. The Past Model Parts information is a directory of suppliers that carry GM Restoration parts, shops, suppliers and publications. The package comes from MSX International in Auburn Hills, MI.