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Question: Water Temp Gauge 66 vette


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
I just finished dash cluster restoration and installed new dash harness. Pluged in all conections and turned on key. Water temp gauge did a 360 . Turned off key. Took out dash and took photo of guage , I marked tabs when cleaning cluster . Attached new plug on harness the only way it would go on. Is this the right way for conectors to be set up (see photo) could the new harness be wired wrong ( pink and green ) wires? Is the gauge cooked, from the wrong set up. It worked before the rewire.;help Which terminal gets the green sending unit wire?

Thanks for help,
I will check the plugs again and see how they were wired.. I will make sure the new gauge is done right, as you know taking the cluster on and off can really tax your fingers. Although I am getting good at it. Take out steering wheel assembly, upplug and learn to work upside down.


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