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What is up with Corvette Clubs ?

Thanks for all the replies. Just to clarify, I am not looking to join or start a local Corvette club. I was just seeking some advise regarding where in the local area to take my C5 for service. I would have thought that the local club people would like to help a newby. Oh well, I guess I need to go it myself out of the yellow pages. It's a shame, because, like I said, I also own a 69 Chevelle and I have received and given a ton of information to people seekig advise for these cars.


GarryL said:
Thanks for all the replies. Just to clarify, I was just seeking some advise regarding where in the local area to take my C5 for service.
What I would do (besides what I mentioned earlier) if I were in your position is to seek out the dealership in your area that has the most Corvette's sold. It may be 30 miles out or more, but if they are a big dealer of 'vettes, then they probably also have a good reputation and at least one mechanic that is somewhat familiar with 'em.
Sad to say GaryL, but a lot of what has been stated in this thread appears to be true

I was just seeking some advise regarding where in the local area to take my C5 for service. I would have thought that the local club people would like to help a newby.

Your statement above is what I was also looking for. (I am not trying to get something for nothing, but a handle to where to go and who to avoid)

Like you I have not gotten any dealership answers or where to go locally, but I will state this I have learned more from members of this forum then anything from within the club I belong to. Hopefully, this will change as I meet more members.
GarryL said:
Thanks for all the replies. Just to clarify, I am not looking to join or start a local Corvette club. I was just seeking some advise regarding where in the local area to take my C5 for service. I would have thought that the local club people would like to help a newby. Oh well, I guess I need to go it myself out of the yellow pages. It's a shame, because, like I said, I also own a 69 Chevelle and I have received and given a ton of information to people seekig advise for these cars.



You might get more answers in looking for a place to get your C5 serviced by posting a thread and calling it "Where can I get my C5 serviced locally" instead of "Whats up with Corvette Clubs". You seem to have gotten a pretty good response to the original thread and seem to have hit a sore spot that many people have with car clubs...
Try starting another thread with the right question posed and more people might respond positively to it. This is a great bunch of people that will go out of their way to help you and get you answers, sometimes you just have to ask the right questions.
Just my .02
Very good and valid points, Thanks Folks !

There has to be some CAC members in the Salem, Oregon area that can give you some help on this. Try a specific post as stated previously stating this. I am pretty sure you will get a few to respond.
Lucy64 said:
There has to be some CAC members in the Salem, Oregon area that can give you some help on this. Try a specific post as stated previously stating this. I am pretty sure you will get a few to respond.

Good Advice, Done !

Thanks, Garry :)

The first summer that we owned our 2004 convertible, we planned to take it with us on our vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC. Knowing how it occasionally rains in the afternoons at this location, I e-mailed the contact member for the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club to ask for some information on where some car washes were located in case I needed to wash the car. Not only did this member reply, she even offered to let us use her house and water to wash our car. That is outstanding hospitality. I didn't need to accept her invitation because it didn't rain the whole time we were there but I have never forgotten that wonderful gesture. If this person is an indication of the other members in the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club, then this is a first-class organization for Corvette owners to belong to.

kiwi vet said:
PS: By the way, I found out after this event that the "Expert" didnt event own a Corvette, obviously just enjoyed picking everyone elses Vette apart through green tinted glasses - tee hee.

Man, ain't it the truth. How many times have we encounted the "expert". Usually starts a conversation with, "You know what you ought to do...."
vette-dude said:
What is up with Corvette Clubs ?

Except for the CAC they all suck!! and are full of stuck up, obnoxious, people that need to get a life!! I find this to be the case in most automobile clubs. They all start out with great intentions and expectations until the cliches form and politics gets involved. Then they just become another bunch of "let's pay somone to fix up the old car while we go to the bar and get drunk and try and impress each other" type people. Just the way it is from my prospective.


This post is dead-on! Of all the awesome 'Vette people I have met through the years, there are an equal (if not greater) number of people not worth a minute of your time.

Awesome people here, always ready to help, with c4c5 leading the way.
GarryL said:
I can't believe it, I am a new Corvette owner ... asking for advice on places to take my new to me C5 for service.
According to this piece in Corvette Fever magazine, you may be S.O.L.!!!
(Not really wanting to laugh, but...click the link, you'll see what I mean.)

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One of the methods that I've found is helpful in meeting fellow enthusiasts - go to a local show and shine, and introduce yourself. This is not easy for the painfully shy and socially retarded (I'm talking about me, not you!), but it is the most effective approach.

What the others have said about clubs is by and large correct - some of these people have known each other for years and they are socially retarded and painfully shy themselves!!

As a rule - most people at shows like nothing better than talking about the one thing they know best...their car and themselves. Ask who they take their "BEAUTIFUL" vehicles to (yes - flattery will get you everywhere!)

I joined (no dues, membership officers, etc. An informal group) and found them to be just as standoffish and unwilling to talk to a newbie as the official NCCC clubs.

So F 'em I said - I made a concerted effort to meet people, and talk to them - and pretty soon we had our group that we became very social with. It's great - we help each other no matter what - and if someone new comes along - we look at them, rub our hands together and make MMMMMMM noises and proclaim - "Fresh Blood!":L All kidding aside, we welcome them.

Before I got my car - I was snubbed by one of the big local clubs when I tried to ask a question, because I didn't have a car. As soon as I got my car - they wanted to recruit me into their club - when I told them I wouldn't join their pathetic club if it was the only way I could own a Corvette! That experience also taught me that I would be an ambassador of goodwill for the Corvette. I would always take the time to talk to someone if they had questions, I even let people sit in my car if they are polite and ice cream cone free. I want everyone to realize what a great car the Vette is. I want them to walk away from our encounter with a smile on their faces from their positive experience.

Good luck in your quest!:w

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