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What's your price for Premium??????

High gas prices are why I am selling my old Pontiac. Can only afford to run one toy and that is my Vette
BruceBed said:
I wonder what our commander in chief is paying for gasoline?

Is it the profit of all gas is to pay all the LOGISTICS involving Operation Iraqi Freedom? Do you have any idea how much Diesel those Hummers, trucks and tanks alone use? It takes 14 gallons diesel to start a tank!!!!!!!!! Add helicopters, trucks, jet fighters, military planes, ships, generators, oil changes and all petroleum products....
Add three meals a day times all personnel. KBR is getting PAYYYYY!!!!

I'd say, this country was never on deficit. :pat

Oh by the way, he does not pay, we pay it for him!!!
MoeJr said:
High gas prices are why I am selling my old Pontiac. Can only afford to run one toy and that is my Vette

What kind of old pontiac???

Oh BTW the premium price hit $2.89 today.
BruceBed said:
I wonder what our commander in chief is paying for gasoline?

The ironic thing is that the more money you make, the more free stuff you get. Just look at actors and athletes, they get so much stuff for free. Why? They have more than enough money to pay for it! Or how about musicians? Think any of the popular groups actually pay for their gear?

Buddy of mine moved for a $33K a year job. It was a job 3 hours away. He talked to HR about reimbursement for the move and they said to him, "Oh, we only reimburse people for moving if they make $50K or more a year..." WTH? If I made that much more money, I wouldn't even ask about reimbursement.
Tennessee........$ 2.71
Tomrw said:
The price of premium gas in Laurel Maryland is anywhere from $2.57 (FreeState)to $2.95 (Shell) and the stations are just 2 mile apart.

That's because Shell is a Top Tier gasoline... I'm not familiar with Freestate but I'd say it's probably not.

$2.64 for Chevron premium yesterday here on the coast.

:w Jane Ann
From the other thread...

August 12, 2005

Oil price surge is a pain but not a shock

By Graham Searjeant, Financial Editor

CRUDE oil prices hit their highest level this week and there was not even a war. Speculators picked up on warnings of terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter; and Iran, one of the other big suppliers, is playing games of dare over moves to develop nuclear capability. These sound alarming risks but such forebodings are sadly routine in the Middle East.

What is this going to do to the transportation industry? There is a real threat to econmic stability in the west here...
$3.09 for BP/Amaco Ultimate here in Chicago Burbs.
Where i live its 1.09 a litre for premium!! Not sure what that makes out to be a gallon.
jimmers-that's about $4.36/gallon-a litre is just over a quart.

Here in Denver, CO it's about $2.60/gallon. Depending on what part of town you are in, though, it varies all the way to $2.78/gallon-91 Octane.

In my commute, I fill up every other day. It's disgusting, but I sure as heck am not going to disconnect my four barrels. Try driving in this burg-yuck.


RodsnRides said:
jimmers-that's about $4.36/gallon-a litre is just over a quart.

Here in Denver, CO it's about $2.60/gallon. Depending on what part of town you are in, though, it varies all the way to $2.78/gallon-91 Octane.

In my commute, I fill up every other day. It's disgusting, but I sure as heck am not going to disconnect my four barrels. Try driving in this burg-yuck.



Thanks for the conversion! This is getting out of hand IMO.
I honestly couldn't tell you. I don't pay attention......

I either fill up with some race fuel, which hasn't changed ALL YEAR at 3.499 a gallon, or premium mix or just premium... With that I just throw in however much to get me through the week...

18-22 mpg in the city and 30 on the higway..
On the way to work this morning, I heard on the radio that in Iraq, gasoline is 5 cents per gallon! Can you believe that?

What I don't understand is that there are millions of gallons bought and paid for sitting in tanks and on ships all over the world-right now-yet, the price of gas at the pump jumps around so much on a daily basis. :confused

Here we go boys and girls!!! The lovely state of NJ has a link for gas prices in the state. Almost all brands regular premium ,locations etc!!! People even post prices in the entire state. Check it out.... www.newjerseygasprices.com
In Jersey though they still pump it for ya!!!! We arent as bad as other areas so I still have some $$$ left for a couple of cold ones!!:drink

In Nor-cal it just broke $3.00 plus a couple of pennies. What happened to the smilies???
Rabbit said:
In Nor-cal it just broke $3.00 plus a couple of pennies. What happened to the smilies???

I'll second that. 3.04 for 91 Octane (our local premium) at the Chevron up the street. Some of the discount stations are still below 3.00, but not by much (I think the cheapest premium I saw driving to work today was 2.87, but don't quote me on that!) :(

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