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What's your price for Premium??????

I saw 3.09 at a discount station this afternoon. Ick.
Believe it or not, it droped a dime here. Down to 2.79 per gallon. Still 1.79 too high.
Just passed the gas station and the price was $2.87, if I go back out to the store, I'm sure that it will be increased by 5 cents. Bought bikes for the whole family to ride around locally.:W
QWK C5 said:
Bought bikes for the whole family to ride around locally.:W


I'm going to do the same myself. Even if I could afford the gas, it's the principle!
$1.108 CDN / Litre 91 octane

1 US gallon = 3.7854118 litres


$4.20 CDN / 1 US gallon


$5.25 US / 1 US gallon
drove to san diego yesterday. baker ca. 3.45 a gl. premium 91 oct.

West Chester, PA (34 miles west of Philly) and Premium is at a premium - $2.89.

Chicago is still in the 3.0X range for premo... but I found some race fuel (100 octane) for $3.29, so I tanked up on that instead! What's an extra 2 bucks!
Here in Iowa LP gas is about $1.30 per gal plus the road tax which amounts to about 39 cents. I have my old 82 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup running on it. Getting to the point that is might be the cheapest thing to drive that I have. :L


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