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White residue

PLUS, it can't be the floor because I have had the A/C evap canister blow all over the floor and water sat there for centuries and it never happened. What is really strange is it only happens on the right side. My question is this. Could it possibly be corrosion up there somewhere? What can corrode white but aluminum? It looks exactly like the aluminum corrosion I have seen on jets for 30 years.

Sorry about this stupid thread, I'm just baffled and I do not want my car to corrode apart one me and want to see if anyone else has experienced this.

JUNK!!! Where are you???
How about the bushing for the trailing arms, are they good or starting to go south.

WHAT on Earth are you guys talking about? What does the great cane removed it mean? I may sound naive but I was never into hard drugs. Some weed when I was a teenager but I haven't smoked for, well since 1981.
I'm gonna go with road dirt then. To heck with it. I got bigger fish to fry. I was just wondering if ANYONE else has seen white powder under their cars after a rain storm before. That's all. maybe I should take a poll. $crew it.
Across the causeway from Melbourne. I remember a joint "Bali Hi". I'm not sure that part of Indian River Beach survived the 'cane at all. I don't know anyone who lives near there. I have a MySpace friend in Cocoa that may take a drive down sometime.

I get it now, duh me! Hurricane. I have only been to Florida twice and that was to Disney World. That was fun.
PLUS, it can't be the floor because I have had the A/C evap canister blow all over the floor and water sat there for centuries and it never happened. What is really strange is it only happens on the right side. My question is this. Could it possibly be corrosion up there somewhere? What can corrode white but aluminum? It looks exactly like the aluminum corrosion I have seen on jets for 30 years.

Sorry about this stupid thread, I'm just baffled and I do not want my car to corrode apart one me and want to see if anyone else has experienced this.

JUNK!!! Where are you???

Aluminum would react to acid, it would also ignite if powdered that fine. Gather some and put a match to it - usual eye/skin protection too.
(I'm so anal about eye/skin protection as I once had a huge capacitor go blooey on me close up - if I hadn't een wearing regular glasses I'd be blind now. It peppered my face and both hands with acid, it looked like I was wearing a white lone ranger mask, with red face and hands. I was lucky.)
So I guess it must be some unknown substance. I will drive it in the rain and see if it happens again. :ugh

I am surprised no one else has seen this before. :bash

Paul :confused
I get it now, duh me! Hurricane. I have only been to Florida twice and that was to Disney World. That was fun.
Yeah,Hurricanes!!I've been lucky and never had much damage,but I'm inland 6-8 miles!!:thumbBut the Palm Prong's and Shingles will sure scratch the heck out of your car!!:ohnoes:ohnoes:ohnoes
So I guess it must be some unknown substance. I will drive it in the rain and see if it happens again. :ugh

I am surprised no one else has seen this before. :bash

Paul :confused

Ya know Georgia is known for some kind of white clay that's prized for ceramics or something. May-bee? Collect a coupla cups of it, mix it with water and see if you can make a beer mug from it.

I have been thinking about your issue... my 2 cents would be that since is has been SO DRY here that in fact it is finely ground road debris and the rains we have had washed it out.... We have had suce extreme drought this last couple of years that is wasnt being "washed" out with our normal heavy rains. Your previous vehicles were owned in non drought years so the rain kept it washed out???

Kaolin, is the white clay refered to... YES it is used in KAOPECTATE and some folks native to the area with a disorder called pica eat it due to dietary deficit, you recognize them because they have a white ring of clay around their mouth.... it is also used in teh pulp /paper industry and WEDGEWOOD china. We are WAY to far north for that, that lins extends from Augusta, through Macon to Columbus and roughly between the Piedmont and the coastal palin....New Georgia Encyclopedia: Kaolin

When I have your wounded
Could be the bags holding the cocaine in the frame rails finally broke;LOL:rotfl:D
I just keep coming back to this post its very funny :boogie except, after looking at other comments, I begin to realize we may become suspects :ohnoes.. So I believe its baking soda :ugh, My mother always kept a box in the refrigerator for freshness. :L :chuckle
I took Junk's advice and snorted and and I saw God!
Heck Paul,if you was closer I'd Snort some of it and tell you how bad it had been stepped on!!:boogie:boogie:boogie

Junk, we come from a different time warp than some of these guys. :W

I just keep coming back to this post its very funny :boogie except, after looking at other comments, I begin to realize we may become suspects :ohnoes.. So I believe its baking soda :ugh, My mother always kept a box in the refrigerator for freshness. :L :chuckle
Seams like I'm ALLWAYS a suspect!!! :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Junk, we come from a different time warp than some of these guys. :W



man i think the aliens snached your car and took it for a galaxy auto cross, check the odo.and see if it reads in parasec's and i'll bet thats star dust your finding.if thats what's happend at least they took a good ol american made car instead of eurotrash
Another 2cents


I believe you said the house was new and so was the garage floor. I also get the white spots on the floor even when it does't rain and I believe that it is coming from the concrete. When it is very humid but not raining the floor will sweat and the spots appear.

I am reminded of an old saying(If it ain't broke don't fix it)

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