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Thank You, Thank You... it has been a while since I have felt the thrill of victory :D :thumb :chuckle ...

No tricks here just good ole (old) brain matter :D

Here ya go..

Not all that hard, should take an hour or two ;LOL :chuckle


How about Hugh Brannum, formerly known as Mr. Green Jeans...
OK guys, I'm not so sure that I didn't use this young lady's picture on the old thread. That being said, what the hell... we'll see who was paying attention!!

Karen Carpenter

We're pretty good at this, aren't we... Yup, Pat Benatar it is


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How does that stuff just disappear? Years and years of hard work trying to figure out who those folks were.....gone in the blink of an eye.........somehow it's the liberals fault....we just have to figure out how they did it.... :mad

The Conservatives just got Complacent and didn't take the time to vote and the Liberals stepped up and got elected and started shoving their Socialist agenda's down our throats. It's time to Wake Up America and VTO-2014(Vote Them Out-2014).
Here you go GOOGLEMANIACS....


  • MysteryMan2014-K.jpg
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Kevin Magnussen

The Conservatives just got Complacent and didn't take the time to vote and the Liberals stepped up and got elected and started shoving their Socialist agenda's down our throats. It's time to Wake Up America and VTO-2014(Vote Them Out-2014).

I will have one in the next day or so.

Life keeps getting in the way!


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