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Who Do Corvettes Really Attract?

Jan 19, 2003
5,800 feet above sea level
2006 'Evil Stealth Black' Roadster
Yesterday afternoon, I'm doing a little channel surfing and come across an episode of the show "Town Haul" on TLC. If you aren't familiar with the show, it has an interesting premise: a group made of an interior designer, a carpenter, a general contractor and a landscaper move into a small town in America, and begin making renovations all over Town. It's a reality based series, so the interactions with the residents and business owners of the Town are part of it's presentation. The main attraction of the show is Genevieve Gorder, one of the ensemble designers from "Trading Spaces."

(Here's her pic)

Well, the particular episode I was watching raised an interesting question in my mind. You see, in the midst of several projects happening all over the town of Jeffersonville, New York at the same time (including a new park, renovations of the living spaces at the Fire Department station, and an upgrade to the exterior of an antiques and collectibles store), one of the residents invited some friends to Town: a Corvette Club as part of what they called an "ice cream run."

The person who invited them was the husband of the owner of Jeffersonville's local ice cream shop (and that shop had itself been the first project undertaken in Town Haul's Jeffersonville stay.) What they showed on camera was an array of beautiful C5's (not a C4, C3 or earlier generation corvette among them). And here's the interesting thing: of the stars on the show (Ray, the contractor; Will, the landscape architect; Jimmy, the carpenter; and Gen, the designer), only Gen was completely uninterested in the Corvette show going on.

It was the guys who had to stop what they were doing to go take a look- and get a ride. Gen, who is the one I personally would prefer to having sitting beside me while I spun the wheels on my Vette, had no interest in them at all! What gives here? Are Corvettes truly "chick magnets?" If so, why was the only "chick" in the cast still interested in working on projects while the guys in the cast all abandoned theirs to oogle the Vettes and beg for rides?

Thought this would make for an interesting discussion. Thoughts, anyone?


I can only talk for the "New York State of mind". From going to lots of local car shows, I notice women are really not interested in any specific type of car. As long as its new, attention getting and doesn’t prevent the owner from spending time and money on them. Older project cars that a male owner may have an attachment to is basically just tolerated.

I noticed that a Vette or a Hummer are perceived the same, but both are a few steps below an SL500. I am in no way saying this applies to all women!! Just what I see locally.

I'm not familiar with Gen or the show, but based on the photo you put up, it looks like she's trying to cut off her fingers with a kitchen knife.

Perhaps this sheds a little light on the reason why she didn't appear interested in the vettes- maybe she's just a little touched in the head. :L
One of my co workers bought a "SWC" thought it would be a chick magnet! Now he seldom drives it, He says all it gathers is guys. Maybe it's where he parks it. :eyerole
Patrick said:
... why was the only "chick" in the cast still interested in working on projects while the guys in the cast all abandoned theirs to oogle the Vettes and beg for rides?
Perhaps if you had been driving ... :L
ßill said:
One of my co workers bought a "SWC" thought it would be a chick magnet! Now he seldom drives it, He says all it gathers is guys. Maybe it's where he parks it. :eyerole
What's a 'SWC'? ;shrug
: of the stars on the show (Ray, the contractor; Will, the landscape architect; Jimmy, the carpenter; and Gen, the designer), only Gen was completely uninterested in the Corvette show going on.
while the guys in the cast all abandoned theirs to oogle the Vettes and beg for rides?

Thought this would make for an interesting discussion. Thoughts, anyone?


Well, Patrick, I think your best bet would be Will. Ray and Jimmy are a little too hard-nosed and would probably track dirt in the Z06 and then wouldn't even care.

Truthfully, younger women are divided 50/50 as to their interest in Corvettes.
Of my three daughters, two absolutely love ours, the third is noncommittal. She's 19, the other two are 13 and 15. My two nieces (17 and 19) that live nearby could not care less if it was a '62 Rambler four-door. It's the boys that are HOT, not the cars.

Women are getting SO shallow, wouldn't you agree?:D
That woman has no taste. She once did a remodel of a room in a house by pasting cardboard on the walls and ceiling. very tacky and UGLY
The pic still doesn't help. SWC = Solid White Coupe?

Women are hardwired to find a protector/provider. This is why I feel so many women find the "bad boys" attractive, because the bad boys display a fearless attitude. The problem arrises when the woman gets the 'bad boy' who exhibits fearless protector qualities and wants to change him into a provider because he now has 'responsibilities' (wife/family).
Young girls interested only in how a man looks...purely shallow and I hope they get a good college education so they can take care of themselves when the equally shallow man leaves to find a better looking/younger shallow woman to replace them with.
Relationships and marriage are more than just looks. You need to be able to love and live with the person without killing each other.
Cool cars are more a guy thing in my area too. I don't get the looks from girls just because I drive an awsome looking Vette. Cheryl my wife says she just likes to drive it (like she will get the chance). Cheryl's favorit kind of car is a Jag. :eyerole
Some how I missed the question. The last answers were correct. SWC = Split Window Coupe. :)
Yes it was a one year car the 1963 SWC is one of the more desirable C2s

but you notice the Vette club had all C5s they are more commonplace now if one of them had been a big block C2 or C3 with sidepipes the reaction would have been different. The earlier cars were chick magnets in their day.
In my area the women are much too shallow and self interested or afraid of serial killers to allow themselves to be lowered to complimenting someone elses car. The car shows are 97% male and most of them are only interested in their own cars. Clicks are the way of the town. I never understand why someone can't talk about cars without doing a background check on you first, but that's the way it is.

If you want to be freindly and talk tech with people, it's Harley Davidsons that will get you farther here. Bikers are a lot more freindly.
bossvette said:
...if one of them had been a big block C2 or C3 with sidepipes the reaction would have been different. The earlier cars were chick magnets in their day.

You should see all the grandmas drop their false teeth and wave when mine rumbles on by. :gap :w

67HEAVEN said:
You should see all the grandmas drop their false teeth and wave when mine rumbles on by. :gap :w


You're a chick magnet on your own... You don't need a car. ;LOL Right?
MsSchroder said:
... it looks like she's trying to cut off her fingers with a kitchen knife.

Oh, I thought it was a pair of scissors.:duh

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