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Who Do Corvettes Really Attract?

Corvette, like baseball, is a constant among all the variables that you can rely on while the world goes crazy. C4 type got it right then and endures today.

That's all of the profundity I can muster on 2 cups of java.:w
Our local club does the parade for a High School Football homecoming Queen and her "court" with the Queen getting first choice of the 5 "rides". Both times I've been there it has been a 73 yellow Coupe driven by the son (read young) of one of our members; uasually the verts are chosen next followed by the coupes driven by the old farts :L
When I was a young man the "singles" would cruise around "the block" in Trenton NJ, boys driving in one direction and the girls in another. A freind with a 68 vert and I with my 60 would park on the girls side and sit on the fenders and let the girls come to us :D
The "block" eventually was paved with bricks and made for foot traffic only, I wonder where they cruise now.

I stand by my origional statement that a C2 or C3 with a big block and side pipes is the Chick Magnet :D
Patrick said:
What happens if the Corvette is owned by a lady? What kind of reactions do the ladies get from the guys? Do you get reactions, and if so, are they reactions you anticipated when you bought the Corvette, or are they distractions you'd rather not have?

Ladies? :)


When my wife, a good looking blonde, drives the vette, she gets all kinds of looks.
78SilvAnniv said:
Their loss and more Corvettes for us older folks who appreciate them! :_rock
Youth is wasted on the young.

Amen to that Heidi!!! I did, however, enjoy wasting my youth! You and Kenny coming to CAC Cruisefest? :w
No, we won't be attending CruiseFest. I have health concerns that keep me close to home. Usually inside the house, so if I'm having a good day I take the opportunity to drive the 78...to the grocery store...to a friend's house...to the library...to get Kenny a DQ sundae...any excuse will do!
It is difficult for me to travel more than an hour by vehicle.

As a NYCer and owner of both an Hummer H2 and 2001 Vette, I can't agree more. It seems to be and "all or none" love. Most people either can't stop looking or won't look at all.
There isn't a woman alive that I wouldn't be attracted to if she was driving a $300,000 Ferrari.
I just bought an 04 Torch Red Coupe and the wife HATES it says she will NEVER ride in it! (it's my lucky day) :)
AlanN said:
I just bought an 04 Torch Red Coupe and the wife HATES it says she will NEVER ride in it! (it's my lucky day) :)

Is she an interior designer on a cable TV show?:L
AlanN said:
I just bought an 04 Torch Red Coupe and the wife HATES it says she will NEVER ride in it! (it's my lucky day) :)

Hey, that means you'll have room to pick up the bikini babe.:D
What kind of cars do the women at NASCAR like?:D
The ones with the least reflective paint scheme. They're trying to have a good time.
I think one of the problems with the rice burner generation is the price of vette's, second is the insurance.
"Chick Magnets" what a brilliant concept; not sure at my age I would even recongnize one way or the other, it all requires too much work and money! Tired of working and not much green to spare. But men and women alike have to know and appreciate that the CORVETTE is a good looking machine, no matter what model or year! What I notice more than anything else when I drive mine is the younger boys think it's cool, and the older guys admire it as a work of art and an awesome ride; maybe simular to the way they use to admire the "LADIES" BEWARE this part may not be politically correct but; the older men know that the Corvette will take less maintenance and money to operate it!!! This is also some what from my personal experience I might want to add. KIDS DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! Ladies send all the letters and cards to the one who started this, it wasn't ME!

Un-known Author :w
78SilvAnniv said:
The pic still doesn't help. SWC = Solid White Coupe?

Women are hardwired to find a protector/provider. This is why I feel so many women find the "bad boys" attractive, because the bad boys display a fearless attitude. The problem arrises when the woman gets the 'bad boy' who exhibits fearless protector qualities and wants to change him into a provider because he now has 'responsibilities' (wife/family).
Young girls interested only in how a man looks...purely shallow and I hope they get a good college education so they can take care of themselves when the equally shallow man leaves to find a better looking/younger shallow woman to replace them with.
Relationships and marriage are more than just looks. You need to be able to love and live with the person without killing each other.

In Brief
I have to agree relationships are our ability to tolerate each other. To start out like two giddy kids that develop into a mature tolerable life style, which provides all the affection, and love the two of you can stand.
Ya think?

Not sure all my relationships were that mature! I can think of a lot of names for it but maturity isn't one of them. Again; kids don't try this at home.

cfour93 said:
In Brief
I have to agree relationships are our ability to tolerate each other. To start out like two giddy kids that develop into a mature tolerable life style, which provides all the affection, and love the two of you can stand.

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