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Who Do Corvettes Really Attract?

KOPBET said:
Oh, I thought it was a pair of scissors.:duh

It was a pair of scissors. She was holding them for a ribbon cutting ceremony on the reveal of a project that had been completed.

You know, when I bought my Vette (my first one), I did it because it was a Corvette. The thought that women might find it worthy of turning their heads to look a little more closely at the driver was merely a bonus.

I now am on my second Corvette, and I can honestly say, in the three years I've been a Vette owner, I can count on the fingers of one hand the times a PYT turned her head and waved at me. Oh well- I still have fun driving it. I would still like to have Genevieve as a passenger, though. :D

Over here in Italy mine seems to most attract the 9-12yo boy crowd. And the older male crowd. It really doesn't matter to me since I like showing them a car they wouldn't normally see.

PS: I am waiting to give Sophia Loren a ride in mine!
Before I say anything else about this, let me just say hubba hubba to your '67!

67HEAVEN said:
You should see all the grandmas drop their false teeth and wave when mine rumbles on by. :gap :w

In the past two years of having my '95, I've only had about ten people actually comment to me on it:

Most were men and teenage guys (cart-guy at grocery store, teens walking by in parking lot, etc.)

The others were women, but...

One was an elderly woman who mistook it for a Camaro...:eyerole

The only other "woman" was a teenage girl working the drive-thru window at McDonalds. :D

The McDonalds girl surprised me the most since I thought all teenage girls were only attracted to suped-up Honda Civics...
This thread reminded me about the time when I took one of my friends in the vette to his first car show, he thought we were going to get a lot of good looking girls oogling over the car.

At the end of the day, he stated "I didn't know we were going to get a bunch of 50 year old men trying to pick us up".;LOL
She's a Pontiac chick

Did anybody see what she drove into town on the first day?

It was a '69 or '70 GTO or Tempest convertible. Styling just as good as us in our Chevy.

Women and vettes: they're born, not made. Forgot which vette hat I was wearing at the Publix Grocery Store. The 18 year old register girl asked me what year I had. She answered with the comment about that being the last C4.

Her favorite car in the world is a '63 Split. I told her I had a vert for some time and her eyes went into a dream. She said I should see the Corvette posters on her wall at home. She had driven a 6 speed C5 you know. Born, not made.
tlong said:
Did anybody see what she drove into town on the first day?

It was a '69 or '70 GTO or Tempest convertible. Styling just as good as us in our Chevy.

I completely forgot about that, but you're absolutely right. It was a Goat! And a nice looking one, too.

Okay, so she's at least got an awareness of cool cars. Maybe the reason Gen didn't seek to get a ride in a C5 was that she was just too pre-occupied with quelling the naysayers at the Fire Station to her remodeling project.

Still, the larger question (as a number of folks have responded) is that Corvettes don't appear to be fully living up to the reputation of "Chick Magnet."

It directs attention to the pilot. Then the magnetism starts or it doesn't. The identical vette will cause a stir or be ignored based on the fellow gripping the wheel. Age brackets are also huge factors in female fiberglass attraction.

Is it any different for us male highway observers? Yeah a Ferrari is cool but you plop Christie Brinkley in there with a white dress and that smile.....this Ferrari turns into a dude magnet. If an unfortunate looking female was at the wheel, well, pity the girl trying to get guys with her car.
Saturday, I drove my wife to a nearby city to shop. While she was in a mall, I stayed in my Vette and got the first parking place by the door.

Everybody checks out the Corvette except very elderly old ladies. Kids 5-10 are unrestrained in their admiration. At the ages of about 11-18 all the guys and girls are trying too hard to be cool, so they look hard, but look away real fast if they think someone sees them. Mature young women 20-30 act as if the car is a security threat. Women 30-60 look and smile. Guys show a lot of envy and resentment.

What I didn't know is that the mall is where the teens cruise. Girls (ones, twos and threes) in new Japanese cars with air brushed nameplates with their names in front (Heather, Ashley, Megan, Brooke, etc.) and guys (mostly 3s and 4s) in older Japanese beaters (lots on Jap sport bikes too going 'round and 'round the mall. The girls are all made up and dressed nicely. The guys look like they just got out of bed and threw on their big fat older brothers dirty clothes. The rule was when I was a teen and cruising, groups of guys together and groups of girls together never got together, but lone cruisers matched up quickly.
tlong said:
It directs attention to the pilot. Then the magnetism starts or it doesn't. The identical vette will cause a stir or be ignored based on the fellow gripping the wheel. Age brackets are also huge factors in female fiberglass attraction.

Is it any different for us male highway observers? Yeah a Ferrari is cool but you plop Christie Brinkley in there with a white dress and that smile.....this Ferrari turns into a dude magnet. If an unfortunate looking female was at the wheel, well, pity the girl trying to get guys with her car.

Ah! I think we have an explanation here! It's the car, in combination with the driver, that determines the "chick magnet" factor. TLong, I think you're onto some real wisdom here.

Pardon me while I start taking some EAS Creatine and bulking up. :L

78SilvAnniv said:
Women are hardwired to find a protector/provider. This is why I feel so many women find the "bad boys" attractive, because the bad boys display a fearless attitude. The problem arrises when the woman gets the 'bad boy' who exhibits fearless protector qualities and wants to change him into a provider because he now has 'responsibilities' (wife/family).
Young girls interested only in how a man looks...purely shallow and I hope they get a good college education so they can take care of themselves when the equally shallow man leaves to find a better looking/younger shallow woman to replace them with.
Relationships and marriage are more than just looks. You need to be able to love and live with the person without killing each other.

I'm finding that out first hand. And let me tell you, I'm no the protector/provider.:L But that's not to say that I'm not capable. I'm just not the bad boy image because that's all it is, an image.

However, I do find many of the younger "women" going around with the rice burner guys or the guys driving the F-bodies with the backwards baseball caps and loop ear rings.:eyerole
Edmond said:
However, I do find many of the younger "women" going around with the rice burner guys or the guys driving the F-bodies with the backwards baseball caps and loop ear rings.:eyerole

Besides the obvious love of the vette that I've had since I can remember, I know there was some small :eyerole part of me that hoped to catch a few ladies with the Admiral, but the girl I fell for doesn't seem to care if I have the vette or a 10 speed. I guess the lesson in the story is that the girl who wanted me for the car really wouldn't want me. ;)

Still, it wouldn't have hurt to be used by a couple of hot girls until I found out! :L
Women are hardwired to find a protector/provider. This is why I feel so many women find the "bad boys" attractive, because the bad boys display a fearless attitude. The problem arrises when the woman gets the 'bad boy' who exhibits fearless protector qualities and wants to change him into a provider because he now has 'responsibilities' (wife/family).
Young girls interested only in how a man looks...purely shallow and I hope they get a good college education so they can take care of themselves when the equally shallow man leaves to find a better looking/younger shallow woman to replace them with.
Relationships and marriage are more than just looks. You need to be able to love and live with the person without killing each other.

Wow, that was good Heidi. Are you a psychologist? Are you going to the CAC Cruisefest? We will probably need a psych. there!!!

I have had many Corvettes over the years and even some of them when I was young. I never bought them as a chick magnet. I drove the heck out of them in club events etc. I had a lot of guy friends that enjoyed the same interests in cars. The gals just seem to come into the picture and be interested in the guys. If a ricer can be a chick magnet today, then you know it never was really about the car.
I have a question for the ladies of CAC.

Let's establish that the Corvette, on it's own, is a car that generally appeals to a male psyche. Let's further establish that if the Corvette is owned by a male, and that male is attractive, the car and the driver may (in combination) work to become a "chick magnet." This is merely observation based upon thoughts already posted here. I noted how the male cast members of "Town Haul" were far more interested in the Corvette "ice cream run" than was Genevieve Gorder. (Personally, I'm dumping Gen. I'm already a designer- after a fashion. She works with an interior room. I work with a whole city. I'm setting my sights higher: Sandra Bullock! Although she may be out of my league.) And we've had all sorts of folks post in about how ladies seem disinterested- for the most part- in guys driving a Corvette, unless that guy has a certain "eye candy" appeal himself.

So let's talk about what happens when the situation is reversed.

What happens if the Corvette is owned by a lady? What kind of reactions do the ladies get from the guys? Do you get reactions, and if so, are they reactions you anticipated when you bought the Corvette, or are they distractions you'd rather not have?

Ladies? :)

Wow, that was good Heidi. Are you a psychologist?
No, but I played one once on TV. ;) (I'm lying!) :L
Truthfully, I watched a program once that discussed why women are so attracted to the bad boys and then try so hard to change them.

I married into my Corvette. I actually greatly disliked it at first. Until Kenny made me drive it and it became my primary vehicle. He gave it to me about 9 years ago, and I should mention that we will be celebrating 12 years of marriage in a few months and he had purchased the 78 almost 15 years ago.

I have received little negative attention. Perhaps a persistent hwy-looker or two trying to get my attention beyond a friendly smile or wave, but they were easily evaded.
I did have one guy blow me a kiss after he cut me off when I tried to get out of his way. I was in the fast lane and he was coming up but I had to wait for other traffic to clear on my right before I could move over and he darted around, ignoring my signal that I was going to clear the lane, and topped it off with the sarcastic 'kiss'.
Turns out he went to Sams, as I was, and I saw him park his ptcruiser and I asked him what that rude kiss was all about. He was embarassed that I called him on his behavior.

Most of the attention I receive is what I expect. Smiles from men at a woman driving a vette. Grins from younger men directed at the vette. Interest from children and even interest from young (pre-teen) girls, whom I tell that a Corvette isn't just for men! ;) Bet their parents loved THAT little pearl of wisdom.
I tend to surprise many men who ask about the 78 because I am knowledgeable, not only about the Corvette (thank you CAC!) but also about the engine, its parts and how they operate together. That information came from a boyfriend interested in classic muscle cars but most of my knowledge comes from Kenny answering my endless questions and my ability to understand what he is explaining. Rebuilding the engine together has been the best thing for helping me understand the internal combustion engine.
Heidi, I think I saw that show too about the bad-boy phenomenon.

Patrick, I don't have much of an answer for you. I haven't driven the car daily in over a year. I am lucky if I take it out once a month for the trip to work. At 6 am in the dark on a 10 minute drive, it is pretty hard to gauge any special reactions :L

Back when I drove it a lot, it did occasionally make a difference in how people/guys reacted. On numerous occasions, men would strike up conversations at gas stations, or just comment "Nice car". Occasionally a road crew would turn heads or even whistle. That was pretty neat! (Haven't gotten that since I was 16 :L) And the little kids! The little kids with their open mouthed staring was the best.

It seems like I get more attention on the motorcycle than in the vette though :L

If a ricer can be a chick magnet today, then you know it never was really about the car.

Ah, but what if the image of a cool car has shifted these days?

What if the younger people just see Corvette's as a car for a middle aged guy who is trying to recapture his youth?
Edmond said:
What if the younger people just see Corvette's as a car for a middle aged guy who is trying to recapture his youth?
Their loss and more Corvettes for us older folks who appreciate them! :_rock
Youth is wasted on the young.

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