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Who from this forum will be at Carlilse next week

I'm sorry to be missing Carlisle and all you great guys again this year but I'm under the gun to get a major project finished.

May you all have great weather and fun times. :w
My father and I were there yesterday, and we could not get over how "thin" the turnout was both on the vendor AND patron sides.. Is this show dying? Or was it simply due to the economy?

By Saturday afternoon we saw many cars leaving, and vendors already packing up by 2PM- did anyone else find this strange?

I'm sorry to be missing Carlisle and all you great guys again this year but I'm under the gun to get a major project finished.

May you all have great weather and fun times. :w

Thanks dude...Have a great time with a great bunch of people..:thumb
My father and I were there yesterday, and we could not get over how "thin" the turnout was both on the vendor AND patron sides.. Is this show dying? Or was it simply due to the economy?

By Saturday afternoon we saw many cars leaving, and vendors already packing up by 2PM- did anyone else find this strange?


There were a lot of empty spots this year. I packed up at 4:00 pm Saturday and went home as well. I found the hours between 9:00am - 1:00 pm busy but faded afterwards. I still had a good time.

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