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Who sells the best suspension and front end parts


Active member
Mar 25, 2001
Brookfield, WI
Blue 1966 Roadster, Black 1986 Coupe
Looking for new front springs and front end parts, who sells the best !
Are you looking to stay original or after market fiberglass mono spring?

I used the vette [rpoducts rebuild kit But I did no research on it I had a catalog and just went crazy one day and ordered every thing I needed
Depends on what you want to do. If you wanna go monospring you should have a look at VBP Performance + Package. Changes to rear as well. Drives like a cart.
Vette Brakes and Products makes the best enginerred products and covers the entire spectrum of ride qualities. Call them and talk to a technician and explain what you want. My full system is for performance/cornering and handling, I love it.

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