I am mechanically inlcined ( an ME actualy) and have bolted on heads but never installed a crank, flywheel, a distributor, degreed a cam, etc.
Words of advice? I am building a 406 and debating on if I sholud have the machine shop/builder assemble the crank, flywheel, cam and damperer or maybe just save the money. This motor is adding up quick.
Did you paint the block outside,,, inside,, etc ? I have most all tools required except cam degreeing kit & a piston ring tool.
Words of advice? I am building a 406 and debating on if I sholud have the machine shop/builder assemble the crank, flywheel, cam and damperer or maybe just save the money. This motor is adding up quick.
Did you paint the block outside,,, inside,, etc ? I have most all tools required except cam degreeing kit & a piston ring tool.