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Why Auto?

All three of our Vette's are sticks and my Wife loves them, she likes to ride the women that say they can''t drive a stick. Both of our daughters also drive sticks. just my 2 cents worth. Bill
Lucky 3 said:
All three of our Vette's are sticks and my Wife loves them, she likes to ride the women that say they can''t drive a stick. Both of our daughters also drive sticks. just my 2 cents worth. Bill

see women also like to drive stick:_rock
younggun said:
i get the point about people not likeing or not being able to drive an auto, but why is it like for every 10 auto theres only 1 stick, and why are the manuals less durable then the auto.

And for a wife why do women need a auto, i hade to learn to drive stick at first whats stoping them

I agree. My wife drove my stick cars all through college and post college.

I have 2 requirements in a sports car - stick shift and an open top - and I can proudly say I passed those feeling on to my son. He is driving my 280ZX (T top and 5 speed) now that I have my vette.
I learned on a stick and really like it, and can't stand automatics. But I think I'm in the minority of females. I think there is an intimidation factor with sticks. Also, driving an automatic is just a little more of a passive experience. Maybe some people like that ;shrug.

I don't have to drive in stop and go traffic. The one day I was on and off the clutch about 100 times driving up to Marietta, I started to realize why an automatic might not be such a bad thing.
I will probably always have an automatic. Why you ask? BAD KNEES!!!!! I love driving a stick but when my knee goes out, I am stuck and in severe pain. The last thing I need to do is get out somewhere and have it go out and have to call someone to come get me home. Heck, just riding in a car when my knee goes is excruciating.

So, for me it's an automatic. Of course, the fact that I drive in D.C. area traffic kinds makes an automatic seem a little more appealing anyhow:eyerole.
I get some people like an auto, but i just can't see that that many people would want an auto over a stick. maybe its because don't want to learn. i do get that some people can only get an auto because to the traffic or like Eric has knee or leg problems. but me, i just could not go out and spend 50 grand to let the car drive me around

A stick to me makes me feel like a part of the car, and auto i just feel like i sit there
younggun said:
I get some people like an auto, but i just can't see that that many people would want an auto over a stick. maybe its because don't want to learn. i do get that some people can only get an auto because to the traffic or like Eric has knee or leg problems. but me, i just could not go out and spend 50 grand to let the car drive me around

A stick to me makes me feel like a part of the car, and auto i just feel like i sit there

Ah, but the sales numbers speak for themselves. Most Corvette's these days are autos because that's what sells more.

As for the spending the $50K part, there are people who think the totally opposite. They think that if they spend that much on a car, they should do as less work as possible.:L
shifty autos

younggun said:
Do corvettes have the option of a "slap stick":ugh
No, as I mentioned... it is offered in other brands of cars for people whom like to shift their automatics... the only Corvettes that have them would be from an aftermarket manufacturer or a custom designed unit...
I actually like the way my A4 tranny pins me to the seat when it drops to first gear as I accelerate onto the Autobahn.

One of my German friends couldn't believe that I would buy a vette with an auto. I told him the computer controlled tranny will shift more consistantly than a person ever will. He thought I was crazy. Then I let him drive it. He said after that he wouldn't want a Vette any other way. He loved the fact the car was so docile in traffic and electric on the freeway.

I think if you like a stick... then that is just personal choice. We have come a long way in terms of building automatic transmissions that can compete with manual transmissions. They aren't really "slush boxes" anymore. I think the two are even... at least in Vettes.
in my opinion, both choices are good choices for various reasons. i have a stick and it's tons of fun. however, sometimes in d.c. traffic, i wish i had an auto. having owned and driven both, the auto seems a little quicker off the line, but the stick is better on hills and curvey roads.

i'm definitely a fan of the stick over the auto, but i can see a very valid reason for each one. i think it's a great thing that corvette owners are given a choice!!!:_rock

younggun -- i know what you're feeling...finding my mn6 was not an easy task.
DarkShark78 said:
I actually like the way my A4 tranny pins me to the seat when it drops to first gear as I accelerate onto the Autobahn.
I agree ! My last automatic vette was a blast when you floored the car and let it find 1st gear for you, with momentum in the motor to boot !

One of my German friends couldn't believe that I would buy a vette with an auto. I told him the computer controlled tranny will shift more consistantly than a person ever will. He thought I was crazy. Then I let him drive it. He said after that he wouldn't want a Vette any other way. He loved the fact the car was so docile in traffic and electric on the freeway.

Plus... when the road gets twisty you can put more focus on the steering braking aspect of diving... that heel toe stuff ( downshift while braking ) is a challenge even for experienced drivers... they have to knock of the rust off just like anybody that has not raced or practiced regulary for a while...

I think if you like a stick... then that is just personal choice.

No doubt about that... in a C5, an automatic is the way to go imho...

We have come a long way in terms of building automatic transmissions that can compete with manual transmissions. They aren't really "slush boxes" anymore. I think the two are even... at least in Vettes.

I have to agree 100%... transmissions with computer logic and other high tech features are much improved from a few decades ago... even my kid's Mustang has a 5 speed auto...

Want a laugh? He complained recently it was shifting hard, yet claims he doesn't beat on the car... I told him the computer adjust the shift criteria based on how the driver drives the car... if you drive it hard it will shift hard to preserve the clutches and make the car shift more quickly... Are you sure you not driving that car hard I asked again ? His weak reply didn't convince me to the contrary... :D
ZRXMAX said:
IWant a laugh? He complained recently it was shifting hard, yet claims he doesn't beat on the car... I told him the computer adjust the shift criteria based on how the driver drives the car... if you drive it hard it will shift hard to preserve the clutches and make the car shift more quickly... Are you sure you not driving that car hard I asked again ? His weak reply didn't convince me to the contrary...

DarkShark78 said:
Give me an automatic any day. After having a left knee replacement and pushing around a Kenworth 13 speed all day, the only shifting I want to do is on my Heritage. That's enough for me. Besides, how are you supposed to talk on the cell phone, drink coffee, and use the electric shaver if you have to keep shifting?
Besides, how are you supposed to talk on the cell phone, drink coffee, and use the electric shaver if you have to keep shifting?[/QUOTE]

For a minute there, I thought for sure you lived in California... Those are the requirements to get a drivers license in this state
ZRXMAX said:
Besides, how are you supposed to talk on the cell phone, drink coffee, and use the electric shaver if you have to keep shifting?

For a minute there, I thought for sure you lived in California... Those are the requirements to get a drivers license in this state


Ha Ha . I know what you mean! I was stuck in San Francisco for 12 years and I am too close to the state line now. I still get ****ed when I see California tags. (no offense) I once saw a guy reading a newspaper while driving across the Bay Bridge!
I have had both, 1987 roadster with 700r4, 1991 coupe with 700r4, 1995 coupe with 700r4, 1990 ZR1 with the 6 spd 1998 coupe with the A4 2000 FRC 6spd and 2005 with the 6spd. I have loved them all but even with my bad knees(16 years climbing telephone ploes) I will stick with the 6 spd. I love the control it offers. As for the wife... well after letting her drive my 2000 FRC for two months last year I had to replace the RunFlats. Seems she liked driving that puppy pretty hard. When I asked her if she wanted the FRC when I was looking for a 2005 she naw, I would probably have to keep an attorney on retainer if she drove it every day. I thought the production numbers were pretty close as far as manual vs auto. 49% to 51%.
I just want to say I'am definatly not a auto hater. I drive a 97 cutlass every day and flogging that trans through the stop signs around my town to get to work and avoid the traffic (;LOL avoid traffic, easier said then done) and the stop and go driving near and at the school in the moring and afternoon. If I had a stick the clutch wouldn't last a year

But I'am a speed junkie, and i need the stick when i come up to hills and curves, Because that auto will never know when a hill or curve is coming and it won't make the best gear choice before hiting the hills or curves
I think the number could be something like 65-35 in favor of auto, that is in terms of production.
I couldn't pass up the deal I got on my Vette. I would have preferred a manual... but like I said... couldn't pass it up. Besides... the Trans Am is a 6speed. I get my fix with it... then chill in the vette. Auto is much easier to launch at the strip too.

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