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Window installation


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
As I wait for my engine to come back from rebuild of rebuild. (we all know that road) , I am doing the things I should have been doing instead of golf.

Two questions. Car not painted except for door jam areas,

Door ends. Are the rivets and screws of the locking mechanism painted car color (sprayed at factory ?) or are they left bare?

Next question. (all parts have been restored/cleaned)

I have listed below the door window assembly sequence that I am going to use. Let me know if it makes sense.

1 Install locking mech and rods

2 Install regulator and lower track

3 Install metal channel (liners & bumpers)

4 Vent window assembly (restored)

5 Paint car (door jams were done already)

6 Door locks & handles

7 Upper window track with window & outer seal

8 Interior door panel

Any thoughts on this sequence will be appreciated


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