You might try a window adjustment, not that bad for the average owner to do.
The rear tip in adjusters for the windows ARE located right behind the red reflectors on the door panels. You DO NOT have to remove the door panel to get to it. The reflector is held in by two tabs at the top and a spring steel clip at the bottom. Pry up from the bottom carefully to remove it and gain access to the rear tip-in adjustment screw. Back off the lock nut (10 mm) and turn adjusting threaded rod (4 mm hex head) ccw to increase tip-in, cw to decrease. No need to hold the 18mm window regulator pulley inside the door.
The rubber grommet under the door at the rear gives access to the aforementioned 18mm, and a height adjuster (with the window rolled down).
Front tip-in and height adjustment is under the rubber grommet at the front. Similar to the rear, but entire assembly slides transversely with the body of the car. You'll see the slot and see what I am trying to say.
Go easy on the adjustments and plan on making more the one attempt to correct the problem. The seals need to re-adjust to your changes and may create another leak in other places. No problem if you go at it with some caution.
I don't believe reprograming the C5 system to do the C6 index is an option.
Good luck and let us know how it worked out for you.