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Help! Windows on C5 (2000) convertible


Oct 24, 2012
2000 convertible
I have a problem with driver window closing on top in rear corner. I was able to adjust top and get a little relief, but over time problem is showing up again. Can the accuators be programed like the C6 to drop when the door opens the go back up when door closes?

Would window valet help with thisproblem?

You might try a window adjustment, not that bad for the average owner to do.

The rear tip in adjusters for the windows ARE located right behind the red reflectors on the door panels. You DO NOT have to remove the door panel to get to it. The reflector is held in by two tabs at the top and a spring steel clip at the bottom. Pry up from the bottom carefully to remove it and gain access to the rear tip-in adjustment screw. Back off the lock nut (10 mm) and turn adjusting threaded rod (4 mm hex head) ccw to increase tip-in, cw to decrease. No need to hold the 18mm window regulator pulley inside the door.

The rubber grommet under the door at the rear gives access to the aforementioned 18mm, and a height adjuster (with the window rolled down).

Front tip-in and height adjustment is under the rubber grommet at the front. Similar to the rear, but entire assembly slides transversely with the body of the car. You'll see the slot and see what I am trying to say.

Go easy on the adjustments and plan on making more the one attempt to correct the problem. The seals need to re-adjust to your changes and may create another leak in other places. No problem if you go at it with some caution.

I don't believe reprograming the C5 system to do the C6 index is an option.

Good luck and let us know how it worked out for you.
Thanks for the help

You might try a window adjustment, not that bad for the average owner to do.

The rear tip in adjusters for the windows ARE located right behind the red reflectors on the door panels. You DO NOT have to remove the door panel to get to it. The reflector is held in by two tabs at the top and a spring steel clip at the bottom. Pry up from the bottom carefully to remove it and gain access to the rear tip-in adjustment screw. Back off the lock nut (10 mm) and turn adjusting threaded rod (4 mm hex head) ccw to increase tip-in, cw to decrease. No need to hold the 18mm window regulator pulley inside the door.

The rubber grommet under the door at the rear gives access to the aforementioned 18mm, and a height adjuster (with the window rolled down).

Front tip-in and height adjustment is under the rubber grommet at the front. Similar to the rear, but entire assembly slides transversely with the body of the car. You'll see the slot and see what I am trying to say.

Go easy on the adjustments and plan on making more the one attempt to correct the problem. The seals need to re-adjust to your changes and may create another leak in other places. No problem if you go at it with some caution.

I don't believe reprograming the C5 system to do the C6 index is an option.

Good luck and let us know how it worked out for you.

Your instructions for the tip in were very good. I made an adjustment there but it looks like the back of the window is too high. I removed the grommet on bottom of door. Now do I loosen the 18 mm hex then use what appears to be an adjuster. What type tool do I need for that?? It does not look like a regular hex head.....but I am old and need a lot of light topped with not being the most handy person in the world.

Thanks again..at least I know for someone handy this is not such a big job.

I'm going to use that "old" excuse here as it has been well over 10 years since I've made any window adjustments on a C5 and no longer have an assembly manual.

I'll look up the same thing in the C6 manual and let you know if it jogs my memory. In the mean time there is another thread I replied to that has a parts breakdown (jpg) that may be of some help.

The C6 manual calls for a #6 inverted TORX but that's for the tip in not the height adjustment. They do state that the MAX adjustment is .125 height movement.


  • 04door.jpg
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Thanks for the help

Unfortunately the adjustments were not sufficient to fix this problem window. A mechanic that I use for my other vehicles has a colleague who is a "corvette only" mechanic. With his assistance and loan of his service manual my mechanic was able to fix the window. As it happens to fix the issue I had the regulator had to be removed and adjusted on the bench then reinstalled. As if now the window does not hit the top when the door is closed with window in full up position.

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