The wipers on the 77 are not that complicated. There are three main wires on the wiper motor. One is the main source of 12+ ignition on power. The other two are signals for high and low speed. The wiper has to be grounded. Your switch in the dash has to be grounded.
So, unless the wiper motor is bad, you have two main things to look at. Makes sure that the switch is good, and that it has a good source of ground. On the wiper, you will see that there is a fourth wire hooked to a metal tab that is attached to one of the housing screws. Follow this wire to ground. It really does not matter if you ground it to the block or frame as long as it is tied back to full chassis ground.
The washer circuit makes up the other wires that you see. This is all part of what is on the very front of the wiper housing cover. When you request washer, your switch grounds out the wire you see on the cover which also has a 12+ ignition wire that jumps right off the main 12+ wire going to the motor.
So, check your grounds, check your fuses, and you should be up and running. If the motor is bad, you can get a new one at Autozone, etc. for about $50.
A bad blinker is again either a bad ground or bad blinker bulb. You should go out on the car at each corner where the lights are, trace the wires back to the light chassis ground and clean, retighten those grounds. You also have a ground in the interior up on the A pillar kind of next to the wiper switch on the metal part of the inner body. That one could be loose. One way to know is if that ground is bad you won't be able to turn on the interior lights from the light switch.
Good luck. Vigman is the reall expert in this department. I learn by trial and error. He can give you actuall schematic color charts and wire numbers.