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Zymol Wax Question


Steel Half-Shafts

Seeing that it's about time for the annual Winter Wax Job :)

Has anyone on the Forum used Zymol Wax?
I just had a package of Zymol Carbon Wax given to me, which is supposed to be for a dark color paint.

I've been using Mothers products for quite a few years with good results on my Black 90 ZR-1.

Do you think that Zymol would give better results?
Does anyone have any tips on applying it?
Ive never used Zymol on my car. Cant say that I've even heard anything about the stuff. But I have used Mothers and Megular's on my car's with good success. I just went to Zaino last summer and the stuff is amazing!

It's been my experience that applying one type of wax is pretty much the same as the next. Just take your time, make sure you get all the build up and follow the directions.

Hope this helps.
Thanks twiget,

I've heard a lot of good things about Zaino! :)

I'll give the Zymol a try and let everyone know how well it works on my Black paint job!
Black seems to be one of the worst colors to keep looking good for any length of time, but when it's done right can't be beat. :D


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