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(Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

Nice C4 Bocar! :thumb I like those rims!

...it goes look sort of Christmas-sy helphos... looks good!

Let's expand the view:


I like those rims too.

:wJane Ann
:beerthats is one of the best looking c4 verts ive seen love that vette awsome have u took it to any shows yet. sweet c4 . torqzvette:beer
Only to Corvette shows where it kinda blends in...Mostly, we just go for drives and enjoy it for what it is....Thanks again for the compliment...
Mighty fine 86'....You obvisously take great care of it...That motor department looks like you could eat off of it...Love those wheels..They just look right on a C4 Hope you enjoy your Vette and please be safe...Bocar .
My 1986 Coupe


Bomber and Vette

91 L89 6spd Turquoise Metallic. Pic taken by previous owner and my Brother from another mother. I've good blood, sweat and tears in both machines.

I'm a Vet in a Vette and its freaking awesome!!!
:beeri have a 91 torquiose metillac one two love em great color been working on mine 3 years just about done what are you wheels i have the chrome saw blades i see that nice veete pretty good can,t tell what the wheels are nice car:thumb torqzvette
:beeri have a 91 torquiose metillac one two love em great color been working on mine 3 years just about done what are you wheels i have the chrome saw blades i see that nice veete pretty good can,t tell what the wheels are nice car:thumb torqzvette

C5 Z06 wheels I'm told. I love that color, don't see any others in this area. I just picked her up in November. My buddy got stationed in Japan and retired there. The Vette stayed behind and sat for 4 years. Some haggleling and she is all mine. Been wrenching on her alot to get her back to road worthy.
here's mine !

This is mine ,a '93 LT1. Currently off the road until better weather ,with luck about April . It's frosty again today ,and roads are full of salt - but ......just passed a red C4 right near my house ! Who's is it , I wonder?


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Triple Black 90 Vert --------- Loves to Dance:Steer


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Snow....in Manchester??.....Manchester, ENGLAND??

This is mine ,a '93 LT1. Currently off the road until better weather ,with luck about April . It's frosty again today ,and roads are full of salt - but ......just passed a red C4 right near my house ! Who's is it , I wonder?


Are you sure you're not in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA???

Whatever, It must be fun driving a convertible when the weather is warmer. (We should swap... my 93 vert is already British Racing Green!)
at the Market 2011.jpg:beer
New to the forum. I'm on my first Corvette at 53 years old.

The first and 2nd photo are after we brought the car home from Alabama and the last 2 are at the original home in Alabama.IMAGE_262.jpg100_5822.jpgGreen Corvette 15.jpgGreen Corvette 20.jpg
Yeah.......THAT Manchester !

Manchester , England . Th' original one , but , I feel compelled to add , probably not the best one ! We've had snow in late November , not as much as the last 2 winters , which have been severe by our standards - overnight temps of -20/22 . Celsius , that is . Currently frosty for a few days , but the local authorities are going overboard with the road salting , even tho' the roads are dry and ice risk is minimal .We keep hearing how this winter is going to be a bad 'un , but up to now , we've done OK , been very mild . Still not worth getting the 'Vette full of salt , I'll save my insurance -limited mileage for better weather , although if you're a betting man , you would'nt bet on that here in the U.K. I would'nt mind bad winters if there was a payoff of good summer weather ,when it does come together occasionally , it can be very sweet here . Rare ! All the sweeter in the 'Vette , top-down or not . We live in hope ,and , lets face it , there's worse places to be . Helphos , I take it yours is Polo green ? Strange coincidence is , I've always thought the C4 to be the best looking of 'Vettes ,and my fave colour was Bright Aqua , there used to be a 'vert in this colour near to where I live , but with a black top and interior , last time I saw it was in the Isle of Man in '02 . What happened to it I don't know .So you can imagine I was stoked to find my car was this colour . Was'nt sure about the white top and interior , thought it may be a bit "Saturday night fever" if you see what I mean , but in the flesh it's a rather different affair ,still looks tasteful , to my eye . Strangely enough , part 2.....I also got the 'Vete bug and found mine while I was 53 . Maybe that's when the dormant gene for latent "Vette-ism" triggers and , as the saying goes "Resistance is futile " . That be my excuse , and I'm sticking to it .
My 4th and 5th C4's...

This is my 96 Collector Edition Coupe, LT-4, Red interior - 1 of 164 made. I found it in Colorado and it got here in November, I drove it 25 miles to my warehouse where it's now in a "Car Capsule" waiting for the Spring rains to rince the salt of the streets. I also just came across this very nice Competition Yellow 91 Z07 Coupe, a 80k mile two owner car with impeccable maintenance records and owner history. It should be here next week - just wired the money this AM.




Dave C :pat
Phwoaaarrrr !!!1 what a pair !!!

My ,my !
Getting greedy are'nt we ?!? Only jesting , of course...one can never have too many nice C4's in my opinion . And these are certainly nice . A big plus is you have somewhere to keep 'em - I'm jealous as hell :cool!: You do right waiting for the salt to shift from the roads , it be deadly stuff for cars .Those CE editions are very sweet indeed ,well done snagging a good 'un . Just reinforces my opinion that C4's are a lot of bang for one's buck . Here's to better wether , then.:beer
Really nice 90 vert! I wish my 89 vert had that motor. :)

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