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An old theme but a new thread...

My Google-Fu is not working on that one.. :ugh

3 days and i come up with nothing..
Photo taken in the UK?
There seems to be a GT40 in the background.

Defo UK Meet.. I see lots of UK Reg, the lambo, the GT40, the Jag. I even asked my English friends if they knew, nothing.. :confused but thats kind of the name of the game..
The logo looks like a "Piaggio" logo but I'm not finding at Piaggio car that looks like this.
Another Pic...


  • MistereeCar2.jpg
    118.8 KB · Views: 132
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Welcome back, BigJim!! :w

Correctomundo Jim. Your turn. :)
How about this beauty??? :D

Looks like the body is made of wood! :D
;shrug I am googled out. A google master I am not, nor do I know the googlefu secret. :chuckle :rotfl

You are very close. I believe Jim (the googlemeister) is looking for a more specific description of said vehicle!

Don't stop now!

You are very close. I believe Jim (the googlemeister) is looking for a more specific description of said vehicle!

Don't stop now!

My apologies, it seems its a 1924; the first result I found had an error in it.
Corrected with more info:
1924 Hispano Suiza Tulipwood Torpedo.
Hispano Suiza 1924 Tulipwood Torpedo
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