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An old theme but a new thread...

K, let me throw a dart at the farm:

Allemano Maserati A6G/54 1956

Only thing that comes somewhat close to the pictures..​

Very good guess, but no.

I will post another picture.

Rear view:

Mystery car pic 3 7-1-14.jpg

Very good! You are correct!

Mystery car 6-23-14.jpg

See this:

Chevrolet Corvette Pininfarina Rondine

"At the rear, the fenders are kicked up over the wheel arches and lead to a 'pinched' rear end that is similar to the Fiat 124's."

Yeah, i got one right.. :happyanim:

Okay, been holding on to this one since i stumbled upon it a few weeks ago.. If you guys guess this one on the first round, I'll be floored, then again, with the crew here, wouldn't surprise me much.. :)

Mystery Car Part 2a.JPG

So, Gents, sip your coffee and have a think.. I'll be back later in my day to see if you already cracked it.. I wont give hints just yet. :D

Yeah, i got one right.. :happyanim:

Okay, been holding on to this one since i stumbled upon it a few weeks ago.. If you guys guess this one on the first round, I'll be floored, then again, with the crew here, wouldn't surprise me much.. :)

View attachment 19175

So, Gents, sip your coffee and have a think.. I'll be back later in my day to see if you already cracked it.. I wont give hints just yet. :D


1972 Mazda LUCE rotary also known as the RX4.:thumb


Beautiful automobile!

Great choice, Stefan!

Quick find, Jim!

Big Jim for the win, in a split second..

Btw, it's a 1969, making it a R130 or Mazda 1800 prototype, but yeah Mazda Luce is on the money.. You got that one right..

Your turn..
Big Jim for the win, in a split second..

Btw, it's a 1969, making it a R130 or Mazda 1800 prototype, but yeah Mazda Luce is on the money.. You got that one right..

Your turn..

Without further delay... here's our next subject, a portion of this body in white! :chuckle

2010 Rossion Q1

Here is a new entry:

Mystery car pic 2 7-16-14.jpg

Feel free to ask any questions.

The Venus. Fiberglass car on Ford Chassis.


  • kovar-venus.jpg
    50.7 KB · Views: 127
I'm a little jammed up this weekend and beyond. Anyone who has a car and wants to post it... please go ahead. Thanx :)
I'm a little jammed up this weekend and beyond. Anyone who has a car and wants to post it... please go ahead. Thanx :)
Ok ... here is an easy one!!


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