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An old theme but a new thread...

Hete ya go another photo



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1966-1977 Ford Bronco

1966-1977-Ford-Bronco-Front-Right-View 8-03-14.jpg

You know the drill Gregory ;) :thumb

New entry:

Mystery car pic 1 8-03-14.jpg

Here is another clue:

Mystery car Pic 2 8-10-14.jpg

Here is another picture:

Mystery car 9-06-14.jpg

It has a sorta Lotus look about it but I don't know of any that have that kind of vent on the rear fender lips...

You are correct about the "Lotus look".

But, alas, this is not a Lotus.

Much more expensive than a Lotus.

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Indeed... if my guess is correct...

BMW M1... a vehicle originally built in cooperation between BMW and Lamborgini... and the only mass-produced mid-engined BMW ever...

BMW M1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are correct, sir! BMW M1

WAS supposed to be built by Lamborghini along with BMW. Never happened. BMW built the M1 by itself.

Only 453 examples of this phenomenal automobile built from 1978-1981.

Only Mid-engined mass produced BMW ever!

Beautiful automobile!

Mystery car 8-03-14.jpg

Google "BMW M1" and see photos of this car in different colors. Stunning!

See also this article:


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My turn to post a mystery car...

I'm not sure whether this one will be easy or difficult... Time will tell, I suppose...


Looks like a pinkish-colored car to me.

Also available in colours other than pink... :L


1979 Mitsubishi Lancer

1979 Mitsubishi Lancer

It is not a 1979, a Mitsubishi, or a Lancer.

This picture below is a 1979 Mitsubishi Lancer. Notice the difference in the b-pillar?


Austrailian Chrysler Charger - 1971
I'll have something tomorrow morning. I hope it's a challenge.

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