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Perfect fix for loose and squeaky door panels.

Amen brother!

Yeah, I want new weather stripping for the entire car AND a new windshield. Some knucklehead previous owner let the right windshield wiper leave a beautiful arc shaped scratch, more like a gouge on the windshield. It is annoying.

For weather stripping, I’m going to try the local dealers to see if they have any OEM strips in stock, or if they can obtain them. I recall reading that it can be hard to locate OEM weather stripping. Trying to keep my car in as delivered condition, that’s why I want OEM materials.

A standard C4 windshield should be available, it’s the OEM ZR-1 windshields that have a premium.

Well, us three have been blessed. God has been good to me and for that I appreciate it. I don't know how others in the forum may react to a little religious conversation but I for one am not ashamed to admit that God has been very good to me.

I also feel blessed to be part of this forum, there is so much experience here it is amazing. I really would have been lost if it wasn't for you guys. I just want to help pay back by offering any help I may have to offer.

I’ve been fortunate too, and yes, I am very thankful for that. :)

As for other members and what they think, I wouldn't worry. There is a good mix of people here on the CAC. There are atheists, people with religious beliefs, people that are not concerned one way or the other... and it works and we all get along. Our Corvette’s are a common ground that brings a diverse group together.

I’ve learned a lot from the many members here over the years. There are a great deal of knowledgeable Corvette owners here that will help you any way they can.

For weather stripping, I’m going to try the local dealers to see if they have any OEM strips in stock, or if they can obtain them. I recall reading that it can be hard to locate OEM weather stripping. Trying to keep my car in as delivered condition, that’s why I want OEM materials.

A standard C4 windshield should be available, it’s the OEM ZR-1 windshields that have a premium.


I ordered the complete weather stripping kit from Ecklers a few of years or so ago as soon as I'd bought my car, the original on the car was just dried out, cracked, falling apart from age. Had no trouble replacing it all that I can remember, just took my time making sure all the tracks where it seats into were cleaned out good and massaging it into place a little to be sure it was stretched evenly everywhere.

Paul, huge thanks for the write up and pictures, my passenger door panel hangs loose at the top and I'll be trying your method sometime soon!
Thanks, rascal_rascal_99.

Thanks for your post on the weatherstrip, I am trying to gather as much info on this before I actually do it. With what weatherstrip costs, I don’t want to make any mistakes!

You're welcome rascal. Glad to be of help.

B17, I was thinking of having my Corvette Country mechanics do it as I think it will be cheaper. GM is REAL proud of their weather stripping, hence the exorbitant cost. I have a guy here in Atlanta that puts in new windshields in Lamborghinis and other high end cars. This guy is good. He's been written up many times, good feedback. He even has a web site.
You're welcome rascal. Glad to be of help.

B17, I was thinking of having my Corvette Country mechanics do it as I think it will be cheaper. GM is REAL proud of their weather stripping, hence the exorbitant cost. I have a guy here in Atlanta that puts in new windshields in Lamborghinis and other high end cars. This guy is good. He's been written up many times, good feedback. He even has a web site.

That's half the battle right there, having a mechanic/tech that you fully trust with the work that needs to be done. The C4 weather stripping is pricey and not all that durable compared to what is out in the C6’s I'm sure.

If I have anything that needs to be done that is above my head, I have one person that I take it to and that’s it. He’s the only one I’ll let work on my car. I dread the day he decides to retire. :ohnoes

Gordon Killebrew sells a weatherstripping replacement tool kit which consists of hand-modified screwdrivers and such, so that every tool is the right angle and width to easily remove and replace the rubber. I bought one of the kits at Carlisle but haven't actually used it yet (rear hatch was supposed to be winter project, but it was such a mild winter that I kept driving the car).

Gordon Killebrew sells a weatherstripping replacement tool kit which consists of hand-modified screwdrivers and such, so that every tool is the right angle and width to easily remove and replace the rubber. I bought one of the kits at Carlisle but haven't actually used it yet (rear hatch was supposed to be winter project, but it was such a mild winter that I kept driving the car).


Thanks, rrubel, I just ordered the kit (from the kindest lady with a Southern accent). I wasn’t aware that Killebrew had this available, I appreciate the tip!

Here’s a link for anyone that may be interested in looking at the products/classes Gordon Killebrew has to offer.


Epimax, you are welcome. I was just trying to add to the wealth of great information here. There are some SMART people here.
You're welcome, B17Crew. If you use yours soon, post a writeup of how it works... hopefully I'll be getting to mine soon too.
You're welcome, B17Crew. If you use yours soon, post a writeup of how it works... hopefully I'll be getting to mine soon too.

Will do, rrubel. It may be awhile before I have a large block of time available for this task, but I will be sure to take notes when doing the installation.

You're welcome fellas.

It was really quite easy B17. Pull down the light, unscrew two screws, remove all five plastic plugs on the bottom. Make SURE you remove the power door lock fuse as it will short to ground and burn the fuse. Gee, wonder how I know this? Then disconnect plugs and it's off. Reverse the process but make SURE the short screw is on top.

I drove it fifty miles today and it was silent as can be. So silent in fact that I heard OTHER squeaks from inside the car. Mostly plastic trim. Just add that to my endless to do list. But that's what makes restoring a Vette fun right?

Hey Paul thanks for putting in the detail about the short screw. I recently had taken off my panels to correct the cracked support ribs and when reinstalled I didn't see that the shorter screw came out of the highest most spot. Needless to say I was getting a cracking/scraping sound when lowering the window and had already decided and purchased the plastic window guide.

After reading your post I went out to the garage popped off the light took out the screw and saw it was a "longer" one with a shiny scraped tip and swapped it with the "shorter" screw that I had installed at the door handle. Put the light back in and no scraping/popping sound. Saved me the trouble of taking off the panel again only to find that the guide was OK. Thanks a million....

1) Remove door panel.
2) Remove weather strip by bending up the tabs.
3) I bought some aluminum from Home Depot but all they had was 90 degree angled metal. So I used a die grinder with a cutoff wheel and cut off the thin part and kept the thicker piece, approx. 5/8 wide.
4) Hold door panel up to door and mark with a pencil on the door the locations of the fiberglass brackets on the door where the door panel hangs.
5) Cut the metal to the same lengths.
6) use a pair of needle nose vise grips to hold the metal flush with the bottom of the panel and drill two or three 1/8 holes in both the door panel and the aluminum.
7) Pop rivet 1/2 inch soft aluminum rivets through the door panel and the metal making sure the rivet heads are on the glass side; they will actually be compressed into the soft part of the door panel anyway.
8) Use the tool dip from Home Depot and paint a coat on every surface where the panel may even remotely squeak.
9) Paint the tool dip on the door. Make sure the tool dip is painted on the fiberglass brackets on the door and anywhere else the ABS plastic of the door panel might squeak.
10) Put on three coats. It takes about 20 minutes to dry between coats.
11) Put it all back together.
No more loose panel or squeaks.








Looks like Photobucket has "issues" with the pics, they're gone. Did you have nekkid womens in the pics? lol

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