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  • LOL. I figure the lure of beer would add the finial touch:-). I just hope no one reads what I'm doing to the PC and decide that I'm over the top.

    Thanks for the vote......I'm sure the results will be posted.
    Hey Todd. Yea..pop on real quick this AM to do a quick search about the fuel pump. Got some ideas and basic understanding on how to set it up.
    Thanks grumpyvette.

    I drained the engine oil Sunday. i haven't refilled it yet. i thought I'd get some really light weight Castrol (10w-30) put the normal 5 qts in, start the engine and let it run up to normal temps. Then add an extra 2-3 qts as you said. Is it a good ideal to put a small amount of oil in the coolant and let the oil coat the engine coolant passages? I'm going to leave the carb on so everything is together.

    Thanks again

    you still need to basically cover the surfaces inside and outside the engine with clean fresh oil/grease, back off the valves (rockers) to release the pressure and FILL the sump with a few extra qts of oil to keep the bearings submerged,cover every part to prevent moisture from reaching the engine AFTER draining all the coolant from the block and making sure the coolant passages are dry (trash bags duct tape and plastic wrap at a minimum) a larger air tight box if you can find one over that helps
    OK....who hit the wrong button hehe. Sorry bout that Mac. Hey john, glad to see you on-board. Now all we need to do is do some chatting in the Chat room.

    Yea, sorry I missed you too. I noticed that you was on the CAC the othe night and thought maybe we could try out the chat room.

    Talk to you later.
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