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  1. Corvette-Pilot

    engine tempperture way to HI why? what can i do about it?

    I forget the exact numbers but the stock set up the fans both kick in around 225ish degrees. Since you have a 200 degree t-stat the temp should drop. As others have said, there seems to be something wrong? Bad radiator, radiator covered in trash so you don't get air flow ?? Just mt $.02 as I...
  2. Corvette-Pilot

    Mid America cover...

    They will do this ? I might be returning some stuff and this sure would help. I just bought and am trying to install their outer door window seals. Not happy at all :mad The clips on them are a VERY soft metal that bends in every time I try to pop them into the holes on the door. I have to...
  3. Corvette-Pilot

    electric door locks on my 95 Conv

    ;stupid I have a 94 and the key just does the door you put it in. But I also have the key fob thing that unlocks both door when you get near the car. You have to turn it on first ! This was a feature I knew the car had when I went to look at my car but it wasn't working. I questioned the...
  4. Corvette-Pilot


    ;stupid I don't know what possed them to do this :confused :confused Looks like it will make a simple "tune up" become not so simple, not so cheap. It must be the balls to be able to lift a big C4 hood and see the distributor wide open on top !
  5. Corvette-Pilot

    voltage going through roof

    Does the 84 have only a digital voltage gage? I would think if it does and it is acting up you might need to have the dash overhauled. Mind you now, I did NOT, repeat NOT, stay at a Holiday Inn last night !!
  6. Corvette-Pilot

    I was LOCKED inside my car!!

    pop the top. If all else failed, sure beats dieing inside the car !
  7. Corvette-Pilot

    Best theft detterent?

    Any type of device will be cracked eventually. It is like computer hackers, once one figures it out they all know how to do it. Easy as having someone as a mechanic at a dealer go bad and spill the beans. I haven't read this entire thread but I am giving the Autolok a try. Theory seems like it...
  8. Corvette-Pilot

    Liquid Glass

    I kinda fear I am at the point where I may have to wet sand it and hope not to go thru all the way. What did your partner end up doing? Strip the clear off and repaint or just go with Zaino?
  9. Corvette-Pilot

    Cleaning windows

    ;stupid I read about it here and am truely amazed !! Windex and such seems to streak all glass, doesn't perform as advertised.
  10. Corvette-Pilot

    Liquid Glass

    JJU I understand your point. Not a problem that you liked the product so much that you now sell it. I didn't mean ti "imply" that you were trying to sell this here. Just wanted to note that fact for others. When the time comes to give it a try I'll keep you in mind. The test you refer to was...
  11. Corvette-Pilot

    Liquid Glass

    JJU Aren't you a supplier of Zaino? This also makes you biased in this question. I'm not knocking your opinion in any way just have to keep opinions based more on personal experiance than hopes of a sale. I tossed a coin between Maguires and Zaino. I went Meguires. So far I am not at all...
  12. Corvette-Pilot

    voltage going through roof

    Do you have a hand held volt meter? Keep it in the car so that you can wait until it does happen and check it on the spot. When it does happen how long does it last? Does it go away on it's own or do you have to shut down and restart? Question: The fuseable link has been mentioned. Isn't it...
  13. Corvette-Pilot

    Flushing brakes

    Question?? Several of you have stated using dot3 over dot5. If you chose dot3 why did you skip on the dot4? I would think better safe than sorry in this case. Just dun know ;shrug
  14. Corvette-Pilot

    voltage going through roof

    Have you measured the voltage at the battery when this happens? Might be a flukey dash gage ?
  15. Corvette-Pilot

    Let Hertz put you in the Z06 drivers seat.

    Yah but..... I'm sure they will tell you that they are very well maintained ;LOL
  16. Corvette-Pilot


    I don't see why a Vette is any different than other cars? Painted the same, treat them the same should be fine. It's a car go have fun. Not worth worring so much just takes the fun out of owning it ! :Steer :Steer :Steer :Steer
  17. Corvette-Pilot

    need some a/c help

    Take it someplace that has the proper tools. Sounds like you risk a much bigger bill if you do it wrong yourself. No, I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night that's why I would leave it to the pros.
  18. Corvette-Pilot

    Z06 damaged

    Kinda looks like the drivers door is the only panel un-damaged. Was the car totalled? Or didn't the guy have insurance and can't afford to fix it?
  19. Corvette-Pilot

    SEARS Tires

    I just got the KDWS at BJ's. I found a tire shop that had better prices by a little bit but they would not give a road hazzard warranty. BJ's did give me this peice of mind. They were hesitant to do them because of the low profile. Guess it makes the job harder but they did it and I have no...
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