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need some a/c help

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hi, i was changing the freon r12 to 134 today and i guess i put to much in it or it got hot cause the pressure valve on top of the compressor blew out some freon. scared me to death. has this happened to any of you and did i ruin the compressor. i know on a honda you have to replace the valve. are the chevy a/c`s the same? thanks.
If the head pressure gets too high it will blow out from that valve to protect the rest of the system. Was the fan on since heat is it's worst enemy. Did you vac the system when converting? I just did one on a 84 and it seems fine. I'm not sure about replacing the blowout valve since I never had to "yet". 134 runs hotter than R12 and it's better to use gauges when converting.
i was old the oil has to be changed to a 'new' type. My little $.02
How do you remove the old gas without contaminating the entire system? Mine stopped blowing cold (85) and I want to convert it to 134, but am concerned about removing the old stuff. The conversion kit is way too vague on removing it
Take it someplace that has the proper tools.
Sounds like you risk a much bigger bill if you do it wrong yourself.

No, I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night that's why I would leave it to the pros.
Do any of you folks know (and be willing to share) the correct pressure readings or amount of R-134a to be added to a completely evacuated system?? Also, how much oil? (I'm talking about an '87) Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the advice, after talking to my local mechanic, he is refilling it with R12, makes a lot more sense at this point, will put in some sealer, did not find a leak, but 20 years old, bound to be one!

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