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100mph ???????


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2008
1974 white, black interior
Anybody not been at least 100mph in their corvette? Its almost like doing 55mph in my C3, it runs right up to it and past...................
The faster, the smoother, which is counter intuitive to me. The only indication that I'm going that fast is the engine screaming, and the feeling of needing another gear.

Naptown, It looks like your Vette is siiting on the apparatus floor in your avitar. Usually the speedig ticket you get has your correct speed on it.:L I did 155mph in my 1971 LT-1 way back when speeding tickets were not so expensive (1976). Have fun.......:beer
Yep, i think.. :D

The needle went past the top speed of 85 mph on the speedo :chuckle and kept going over to the other side. I only slowed down when the tour bus with the blue hairs flew past me and they waived.. :ugh

Haven't been over 50 mph in my corvette yet. :D

Hit the governor in my camaro at just over 100. 105 or 110 i think. Since then I got a $300+ speeding ticket for doing 77 in a 45 zone and it came with a mandatory court appearance.
I did 115 in my '78 L48, 140 in my '96 LT4, and 140 again in my '08 LS3. You run out of road really quick at those speeds.

143 was all I could stand in my 69.It wanted to go more ,but I didn't.

IMPORTANT ! I lost a rear wheel bearing the next week.(think about that for a second)
I did 155mph in my 1971 LT-1 way back when speeding tickets were not so expensive (1976)
A five year old stock 1971 LT1? ;squint: I'd say that both the speedo and radar gun weren't entirely accurate back then. ;)

On any car prior to late 90's, I'm not believing top speed claims unless I see 'em on GPS. :)
I've been on the plus side of 140 in my car. :thumb
Brand new the 1980 was only good for around 126mph :chuckle
I found the biggest thing for high speed stability is having a solid steering setup (rebuilt OEM or rack & pinion) and having proper alignment. Otherwise they like to get light in the front end which is somewhat unnerving. :ugh

Your probably correct Evolution 1980, I swore I was going faster.:beer Hey, Naptownfireman, I've been a career fireman for 20 years,going to retire shortly, what a thankless job, good luck to ya......
Need For Speed

Years ago when the gray matter in my brain had no inhibitions I pushed it above reason, once. ;) I was kinda in a hurry driving my '71 LT1 when a '58 Vette pulled up behind me. I knew the driver, knew he would challenge me and sure enough he pulled out to pass. I never reached top speed in the LT1 because he backed off at 135MPH.
Believe or not DGVette, I had more on the tach at 155mph on that 71 LT-1 I had way back when, I just got it out of a alignment shop,new Kelly-Springfield Redlines, new shocks, To me after 120mph or around there it all feels the same, fast, and the speedo is your only indicator of how fast your going since they handle it so well, I would think that a vehicle built for speed had a more accurate speedo than most, but I'm sure none are right on.....:beer
... I would think that a vehicle built for speed had a more accurate speedo than most, but I'm sure none are right on.....:beer

It wouldn't surprise me if chevrolet didn't purposely make the speedo read a little faster than actual speed. They would probably sell more cars

"look how fast we are going already!"
"GOOD LORD!!! I'm going to buy one of these!" haha
Believe or not DGVette, I had more on the tach at 155mph on that 71 LT-1 I had way back when, I just got it out of a alignment shop,new Kelly-Springfield Redlines, new shocks, To me after 120mph or around there it all feels the same, fast, and the speedo is your only indicator of how fast your going since they handle it so well, I would think that a vehicle built for speed had a more accurate speedo than most, but I'm sure none are right on.....:beer

I know what you're saying. This deserted country road was straight but not smooth. The car was driving so good that the speed surprised me when I looked at the speedo. I had balanced and blueprinted the stock engine, as we called it in those days. It was fast and felt good going fast.
I can get 100 just going to 4500 in all 4 gears. And 4500 comes pretty quick when the BB starts breathing. Just doing numbers, my top should be around 135. If I swap the 3.08 rear in there it jumps to 178, but NOT with me in the car. Back when I was bulletproof, I did 10 miles at 140. Never again.
Anybody not been at least 100mph in their corvette? Its almost like doing 55mph in my C3, it runs right up to it and past...................

About 135 mph on I-70... the old girl did it surprisingly well. I'm lucky none of the state boys were out there.
Thats what they were made for. Order it anyway you want, the way you think it will be fastest. ..:beer.
Believe or not DGVette, I had more on the tach at 155mph on that 71 LT-1 I had way back when, I just got it out of a alignment shop,new Kelly-Springfield Redlines, new shocks, To me after 120mph or around there it all feels the same, fast, and the speedo is your only indicator of how fast your going since they handle it so well, I would think that a vehicle built for speed had a more accurate speedo than most, but I'm sure none are right on.....:beer


I did 55+MPH in a Fiat Jolly, easily as scary as your Redline ride.

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