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1962 equipment information


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
Temperance Michigan
67 427 tripower,68 427 tripower,04 Z16, 62 340hp
I know quite a bit on C2s and C3s about determining equipment that was ordered on the cars via tank stickers and build sheets found inside the cars.
I just bought a 62 that apears to be a 340hp 4 speed car. Its been totally restored, the owner passed away recently and theres no paperwork from what I'm being told. Can someone steer towards info on how to determine original equipment that would have been on this car.
I will get the car in about a week so I haven't been under this car yet.
Thanks all..
I know quite a bit on C2s and C3s about determining equipment that was ordered on the cars via tank stickers and build sheets found inside the cars.
I just bought a 62 that apears to be a 340hp 4 speed car. Its been totally restored, the owner passed away recently and theres no paperwork from what I'm being told. Can someone steer towards info on how to determine original equipment that would have been on this car.
I will get the car in about a week so I haven't been under this car yet.
Thanks all..
Well that doesn't look right, I'll try to flip it..
On a C1 unless you have original documentation there is no positive way to tell how it appeared when new. If your block stamping is right and matches the VIN you can be fairly sure of the engine.

Other than that you get to practice your detective skills and find all of the numbers and dates off all the components to determine if they are proper for the car you have. Even then there is no way of telling if they are original parts or just correctly numbered and dated. The same goes for the paint color. No trim tags were installed on these cars. Look behind the door panels and other places were someone would not likely go when painting a car to find traces of original color.

I would suggest ordering a judging manual and a pocket Specification guide from the NCRS bookstore while you are waiting on the car to be delivered. Then you will be ready to beguin your quest into the wonderful world of solid axle Corvettes when it arrives.

It looks like a great car. Can't wait to see more pics.

nice :thumb

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