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1982 Fan/Blower switch does not activate/control the blower


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
1982 Collector
The blower/fan worked just fine a week ago, now I get no action when engaging the switch. I know there is an extra relay for the MAX setting, but where is the fuse that protects the blower in all the other modes (low, middle, high)? Not an obvious fuse labeled in the fuse box. I was going to recharge the A/C but obviously can't do that task with no fan/blower action.


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Blower Fuse

I only have an '81 manual but your car should be about the same.

It's marked A/C (25A). In 1981 A/C is in the third row from top just under the hazard flasher toward the right of center. This fuse powers the heater/A/C fan in all positions except "off". In off a bypass circuit powers the blower motor in Low speed. So even if your A/C fuse is blown your blower motor should still run at low speed with the ignition in the "on" position. If it doesn't, you may have a bad motor. Unplug the wire from the motor and check for voltage at the wire.

Your blower relay is mounted on the firewall just above the rear of the passenger side valve cover and the fan speed resistor is just below that and to the right mounted into the top of the heater/evaporator box. There is a separate gauge wire in the resistor for each speed but usually only the low speed burns out since it runs in at least low any time the ignition is on and if they were all burnt out you would still have high.

The fuse marked "fan" is for the engine cooling aux fan.

It's marked A/C (25A). In 1981 A/C is in the third row from top just under the hazard flasher toward the right of center. This fuse powers the heater/A/C fan in all positions except "off". In off a bypass circuit powers the blower motor in Low speed. So even if your A/C fuse is blown your blower motor should still run at low speed with the ignition in the "on" position.

Same fuse runs the fan in low when in off, just bypasses the switch.
Thanks gents; will relook the Fuse Box tonight and hope to find that blown fuse. Curious timing for sure, since for the past few weeks I've been running the A/C with VERY LITTLE or no cold air coming out. Was about to take the Conversion Steps but can't do that without control of the blower of course. I wonder if running the A/C compressor on empty could have popped the fuse or caused some other item to fail? The blower was working fine last week in all speeds.
Same fuse runs the fan in low when in off, just bypasses the switch.

Yep you're right. It's the switch that is bypassed in off position. I should have read it closer.

Well with Tom's perfect explination I have nothing to contribute. :)

Greetings Peter

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9195 met Tapatalk
Thanks all. Replaced the fuse (old one appeared to be fine) and the blower cranked right up. Was able to convert and successfully replenish the A/C last evening. Will post that info on the other discussion thread.
Nothing worse than a fuse that appears to be good but isn't when you are trying to find a problem.


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