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2015 C7 Corvette Z06 Breaks Cover

Is This Real?

If this is an official picture, does that mean Chevrolet is offering a flat bottom ("D") steering wheel?

I hope the new Z06 is offered with an automatic transmission option.
While I know many purist turn their noses up at an automatic; most of the Corvette competitors get this kind of performance using an
automatic transmission.

I also hope that Chevrolet stays true to recent form and offers something similar to the Grand Sport.
Even if they call it something different, basic Stingray specs with a wide body and most current updates (suspension tuning & electronics) is enough car for me.

In the mean time the TPW for my Artic White A6 C7 is 1/20/2014.
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For some, an automatic is a necessity..

If this is an official picture, does that mean Chevrolet is offering a flat bottom ("D") steering wheel?

I also hope the new Z06 is offered with an automatic transmission option.
While I know many purist turn their noses up at an automatic; most of the Corvette competitors get this kind of performance using an
automatic transmission.

Tonyman262, I agree. For me it was hard to give up driving a stick, but Parkinsons had made the left side of my body too unreliable, so I've had to move to an automatic..my car would so much more fun to drive with a true paddle/stick shift autobox with multiple gears instead of my current built up 4L65e.:thumb

It's starting to look a bit gimmicky, will miss the 427, all GM V-8's with superchargers get lousy gas mileage. I'm almost afraid to imagine the cost.
Best looking Z06 yet and this is coming from a guy who ADORES his C6 Z06!
seen a few

LPE(Lingenfelter Performance Engineering) has had a couple of these at their Shop and cruised them around testing mods. They sound great, I don't want one though, and I'm not sure I like the body changes.
I've had a red Vettte and it was nice but the Stealthy look of Quicksilver IMO is best.
The only think I don't like are the tail lights... Even though they changed from "round" over the years I still like the oblong style, I think the direction they have recently gone makes it look like a Camero from the distance...

If you'll remember, when the C5 was introduced everyone cried about the "Big Butt" of the new C5 design. So since you have an 04 C5 that didn't bother you. The point, all the whining will end and if you don't like it you don't have to buy it. Me, I haven't met a Corvette I didn't like. I'll take a C7 in Laguna Blue please.
The instrument panel shows a P for park.
Don't think they have park mode on a stick.
The top of the stick has a shift pattern though.
The nav screen shows the icon for onstar. That is where the new track/cam icon is supposed to be.
Looks like Z06 in front of the shift instead of Stingray.
Z06 at bottom of steering wheel. :w


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C6 Z06 to be obsolete soon

Looks like my C6Z06 will be obsolete soon. I want one but at what cost? That's what I'm worried about. I was pushing my limits to buy my C6Z06.
Here it is folks: the 2015 C7 Corvette Z06:

A couple noted features:

  • Paddle Shifters on the steering wheel
  • 8-speed automatic reportedly will be available
  • Muscular body kit with various carbon fiber aerodynamic bits and pieces

The ZO6 will have an optional automatic transmission for the first time?
Whats the suggested retail price?

Check back here after midnight. We'll have all the information available to us as soon as GM lifts the embargo date/time on the information. :thumb
C7 Zo6

If it comes with a supercharger, count me out. I am still waiting for my ZL1 Camaro to get out of the shop (over 2 weeks now). Supercharger went south and they haven't been able to find a replacement. Also the gas mileage stinks. I have driven this thing very conservatively and no where near as hard as I do my Vettes and still can only squeeze out 13.4 MPG. Not worth it to me. The power is fun but I can't see getting Vette with the Paxton on top ever again. Just my opinion. I think I will be getting a Z51 with the manual 7 speed.
"All Corvettes are Red. Any other color is a mistake." Words spoken by GM's head test driver John Heinricy in the book All Corvettes are Red. No truer words were ever spoken so make mine red!:happyanim:

Sorry, no where near the truth.

James Schefter was a friend of mine. We often had dinner on the Plaza when he came into the Kansas City area.

I told him that he sure stirred up the pot with the title of his book. He told me this:

"All Corvettes are really WHITE. Scrape that red paint off and see what is under it, WHITE.

The ones that are NOT perfect, they paint over the white."

I would take that in a Heartbeat - especially since it will be sporting a A8 auto with paddle shifters - talk about awesome! :happyanim:

You're kidding right ?

Put this into perspective. You've got some of the choicest cars on the planet to choose from at are very much cheaper pricing than can be attained elsewhere. Just be happy you have the choice !

"Looks like my C6Z06 will be obsolete soon. I want one but at what cost? That's what I'm worried about. I was pushing my limits to buy my C6Z06."

So no future releases of a particular model should happen because of your ability to buy the next one ? We make a fat purchase to get on the roundabout at a particular time, but something always better comes along at another entry point to the roundabout. They keep releasing new models in the hope you'll turn over the old one - it's called marketing.

"If it comes with a supercharger, count me out. I am still waiting for my ZL1 Camaro to get out of the shop (over 2 weeks now). Supercharger went south and they haven't been able to find a replacement. Also the gas mileage stinks. I have driven this thing very conservatively and no where near as hard as I do my Vettes and still can only squeeze out 13.4 MPG. Not worth it to me. The power is fun but I can't see getting Vette with the Paxton on top ever again. Just my opinion. I think I will be getting a Z51 with the manual 7 speed."

Sorry to hear of your super issues, but surely you didn't buy a (heavy) 6.2 litre with a super and expect it to compete with your older naturally aspirated (lighter) 'Vette's on mileage ? On the cruise my super'd LS3 has around 10-20% better mileage compared to before it was fitted. I didn't expect that - but when I squeeze that throttle, what is it going to do except chew fuel ? But dang, it's fun !!
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All Corvettes should be any shade of Blue!:)
hey Rob, I'm originally from "Manchesta" Ma. Spent many a wonderful day up in N.H...Kangamangus Hwy in the fall, in a roadster or on my bike...man, some fabulous memories!:D

That would be "Manchesta By The Sea!":)

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