Well, let me just say this: I've heard the other side of the story and in my opinion, there are three sides to this story. The only other side I have not heard is the side of the lady that owns the #029 in Florida.
I really don't feel that it's necessary or appropriate to post the other side of the story here as it was given to me in confidence and I will continue to respect that until I feel that this story has come near an official close.
Based upon the recent events this past week, I'm starting to believe that it is coming to that close, but not quite yet.
Once it does, I am going to sit down and write my own article that will be an exclusive on the Corvette Action Center only. I will not be selling it to a magazine or any other publication because I have no monetary interest in this story.
I do however, have a very sincere interest in this story from the perspective of how it came to be, how it developed, how it ended, and how we as enthusiasts and professionals in the marque/field can learn from this.