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Video: ABC 13 Chief Photographer Gets Locked Inside a Corvette after Battery Dies


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
ABC 13 Chief Photographer Gets Locked Inside a Corvette after Battery Dies

ABC 13
Lynchburg - Danville - Roanoke, VA

Lynchburg, VA - What would you do if you got locked in a car?

That's what happened to ABC 13 Chief Photographer Jemon Haskins Sunday. Haskins was checking out a Chevrolet Corvette on a lot, when he got in and closed the door.

ABC 13 Chief Photographer Gets Locked Inside a Corvette after Battery Dies | VetteTube
Dealership was closed, and the car unlocked? Must have had the key in the car someplace.
Happened to me about a month ago .I had forgotten that there is a door release beside the seat .the wife came looking for me and I slipped the Key part of the FOB to her .I explained there is a place to unlock the trunk above the licence plate (looks like a padlock .Then asked her to pull the door release on the left side of the trunk .Despite the fact she recently had a stroke and is partially paralyzed the process only took a few hours .The door release next to the seat only came to me about week later .
Fortunately, Haskins got lucky, he says a man walking by heard him honking the horn and let him out.

The horn worked but the door locks didn't and a man walking by let him out?

Ok I'm lost...
Sleek, Elegant and fun to drive… It’s no wonder the Chevrolet Corvette is any man, or woman’s, dream car.

However, at least they got one thing right.
ABC 13 Chief Photographer Gets Locked Inside a Corvette after Battery Dies

ABC 13
Lynchburg - Danville - Roanoke, VA

Lynchburg, VA - What would you do if you got locked in a car?

That's what happened to ABC 13 Chief Photographer Jemon Haskins Sunday. Haskins was checking out a Chevrolet Corvette on a lot, when he got in and closed the door.

ABC 13 Chief Photographer Gets Locked Inside a Corvette after Battery Dies | VetteTube

What, pray tell was this dork doing getting into cars at a CLOSED car lot??? Stupid is as stupid does... he ain't smart enough to own a Corvette! AND! A recall on all C6 Corvettes because they work the way they are supposed to??? The media really needs to get real here!
What, pray tell was this dork doing getting into cars at a CLOSED car lot??? Stupid is as stupid does... he ain't smart enough to own a Corvette! AND! A recall on all C6 Corvettes because they work the way they are supposed to??? The media really needs to get real here!

Things just don't add up quite right. :confused ;shrug
As the horn draws more than the door locks; I'd say the addition is past not adding up.

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