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Almost back together again

Paul G

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2001
Griffith, IN, USA
96 CE LT4 Convertible
I have been on vacation from work this week. Spending as much time as I can doing some repairs to my 88 convertible. I am waiting for the gearbox side cover shifter shaft seals to come in. The dealer said there in Lansing (Michigan) and would only take a couple of days to get here. I am getting impatient. The weather has been lousy anyway. Bad time for vacation. Good time to have my car up on jackstands doing some work on it.

What I have done is:
*Repainted the header shields
*Replaced the overdrive fluid with Mobil 1 synthetic
*Replaced the gearbox lube with Mobil 1 synthetic gear lube 75W90
*Replaced the front brake pads with Napa Ceramix pads.
*Did some cleaning around the front end in places that cant be reached with the car on the ground.

What I still want to do:
*Bleed the clutch out again
*Bleed the rear brakes out again
*Replace the top. I have the new top here

There is supposed to be a round magnet inside the overdrive oil pan according to the Helms manual. My magnet is missing. I put a small steel magnet I had laying around in there.

The bolt gremlins stole one of my A/C compressor bolts. I can not find the fourth bolt anywhere. I have looked in every nook and cranny possible. That is going to be hard bolt to replace.

Wish me luck.
Good luck Paul. It sounds like you've got a handle on things already and are ready to get out and cruise for the summer! :upthumbs

_ken :w

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