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Always enjoy this video>> Elise vs Vette

I enjoyed it. Especially since it was a race car getting spanked by a street car.
DRTH VTR said:
Yes, but what does it weigh? :argue
Approx. 1700 lbs and that is my point... light weight and lower horsepower = excellent track car... although the word 'spanked' was used I somehow don't support that view...Elise did pull off a pass which made most of us grin...no vette smashing here just delight of seeing what light weight and lower hp can do...and think of this... the new Federalize Elise is 190 hp with better torque and hp curves than the race Elise shown in video...but yes the Fed Elise is coming in at ~1900 lbs so it too will be quick in the corners, faster turn end and later braking and quicker turn out...but no dragster for sure...will only do slightly sub 5 sec 0-60.
i enjoyed that , thank you for the link !:upthumbs :_rock
I used spanked because what happened toward the end when the Vette took off and disappeared from sight!
Very nice ride indeed...

Beethoven would have a klavierstück "For Elise". Yessireebob.
KOPBET said:
Beethoven would have a klavierstück "For Elise". Yessireebob.
Now THAT is one of the most interesting relationale statement of a piano to engineering vision I have seen in a long time...

Anyone know that track?

What's with the xtra brake lights (?) on the Vette? Euro spec stuff? Looks like hell.
froggy47 said:

Anyone know that track?

What's with the xtra brake lights (?) on the Vette? Euro spec stuff? Looks like hell.

Nuburgring in Germany...it is THE track for testing performance cars (most manufactures bring their cars there...regardless country of origin) and also is of course a track for competitions. Video is actually of the 21 kilometer Northern Loop opened in 1927. Good speeds are considered 6 min 30 sec laps averaging ~135 mph A win at Nurgurging earns you the title of 'Lord of the Ring'
Thanks for the thread. That was great enjoyment! Lots of smiles! I'll watch that again.
If you guys want some intense videos, go out to my FTP site and download the "Getaway In Stockholm" videos. These videos are a rush!!! 65Coupe, I'm sure you'll like 'em. Getaway In Stockholm II (Supra -vs -Cosworth) is probably my favorite.

Here's the info for your FTP browser:
Port: 21
Login / password: cac / cac

Or if you want to try using your internet browser (yech!)

...ya gotta go into the "Car Videos & Sounds" folder.
Hi Evo,

I got to the folder on your machine & can see all the files, but get an error msg a few secs after I click to download. I'm broadband & used the browser method - I'm shaky on that FTP stuff.

Looks like lots of cool video, any tips on why it's not working for me?
Thanks Michael, gotta watch that again.
Evolution1980 : do you mind if I "steal" some of the music you have on there? then again since I have already taken some I guess you dont have a choice...lol

haven't gotten to the videos yet.

BTw what's FTP and how does it work?

I assume with FTP I am going driectly from your comp to mine...is there any way to make it go faster?
froggy47 said:
I got to the folder on your machine & can see all the files, but get an error msg a few secs after I click to download. I'm broadband & used the browser method - I'm shaky on that FTP stuff.
Looks like lots of cool video, any tips on why it's not working for me?
Froggy, try right-clicking on the file and doing a "Save target as"...that may work better for you. Otherwise, you may just be better off getting an FTP program (free on the net, try FlashFXP or CuteFTP)

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It's an older method of file transferring on the internet that's been around since before the WWW.
Yes, it lets you hook directly into my computer and see/download/upload files that I allow.
FTP is typically faster than HTTP (web browsing) because it doesn't have any overhead. The fastest you'll be able to get from me is about 30K/sec download via FTP.

If ya have any other questions, just shoot me a Private Message here on CAC (so as not to hijack this thread).

An oh yeah, you can pull down whatever you see. It's only a minute fraction of what I fully have out there, I just have to limit what y'all can see ;) :D
is it me or do you see a few rice (slow moving) cars that hold up the vette and that how the Elise car caught up to the vette and during the straightaways the vette, well does what most vettes do, goes like ****

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