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1934 Hispano-Suiza Model H6C

I can't believe all i had to do was google wooden body car.:L

Wrong year, more specific...
Absofrigginlutely!!! Imagine the maintenance on that body... :L

You're up!!
A buddy of mine does museum quality auto restorations. One of his projects was a Packard Woodie. Wood is good.

Before i put one up I'll just check; is there any requirement for the age of the car? i have one that might be quite hard to pick but it is less than 10 years old.
If thats too new i do have a backup.
Before i put one up I'll just check; is there any requirement for the age of the car? i have one that might be quite hard to pick but it is less than 10 years old.
If thats too new i do have a backup.

Choose anything you want! We don't need no stinking rules!! :thumb:rotfl
A buddy of mine does museum quality auto restorations. One of his projects was a Packard Woodie. Wood is good.


My wife uses a similar thought process... :happyanim::happyanim::happyanim:
1951 Buick LeSabre Concept Car.

"The General Motors Le Sabre was a 1951 concept car. Possibly the most important show car of the 1950s, it introduced aircraft-inspired design elements such as the wrap-around windshield and tail fins, which became common on automotive designs during the second half of the decade."

LT4man's personal editorial comment: The Concept Cars of the 1950s and 1960s pushed the automotive design envelope farther than any design within the last 40 years.

1951 Buick LeSabre Concept Car.

"The General Motors Le Sabre was a 1951 concept car. Possibly the most important show car of the 1950s, it introduced aircraft-inspired design elements such as the wrap-around windshield and tail fins, which became common on automotive designs during the second half of the decade."

LT4man's personal editorial comment: The Concept Cars of the 1950s and 1960s pushed the automotive design envelope farther than any design within the last 40 years.

It seems that was too easy. I'll have to find something much harder next time.:chuckle
I guess you're up now.
WOW... great clue! You afraid we might guess it? :L

Fiat 124 Spider is my guess.
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No. Not a Fiat 124 Spyder.

But is an Italian automobile.

Just to clarify my previous answer to ROCKETBLOCK.

The automobile pictured is NOT a Fiat 124 Spyder.

The car IS similar to a Fiat 124 Spyder.

Hope this helps. Not really! :chuckle

See Post 130.

Another picture clue:

Mystery car 6-28-14.jpg

This is the front of the car on the driver's side.

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I see no picture....Or is this a send up ?

Hmmm.. I am sitting here at a Best Western using the house computer and I don't see the photo in post 130... YET last night in the room on my laptop I could see the rear fender of a bluish small car... ;shrug

I have to go we are leaving for Houston in a couple of minutes.. I will investigate this later, unless another Mod/Admin chimes in before...

Bud, here is another picture of the rear of the car from Post 130.

Hope you can see this one.

Mystery car 6-29-14.jpg

Rear of the car on driver's side.

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Hmmm.. I am sitting here at a Best Western using the house computer and I don't see the photo in post 130... YET last night in the room on my laptop I could see the rear fender of a bluish small car... ;shrug

I have to go we are leaving for Houston in a couple of minutes.. I will investigate this later, unless another Mod/Admin chimes in before...


The picture I posted in Post 130 is now missing!

Wonder where it went to???

Sorry for all the confusion.

I posted a new rear shot in Post 138.

No idea what happened to the picture in Post 130. Bizarre!

Those curves look familiar... Hmm....


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