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Attn: 67Heaven


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Mine's RED. Mine's faster. :rotfl
man...that is one ugly f_____n car:confused
I wanted to settle that question at CruiseFest, but Bob is concerned that he might break his car. :ohnoes

As we say down South...."if your' scared, say scared"

I say line 'em up! I'd pay admission.........
As we say down South...."if your' scared, say scared"

I say line 'em up! I'd pay admission.........

I am just funnin' with Bob. I would not want him to risk catastrophic damage to Heaven, especially so far from home. It would be fun to take a spanking from him, but it is pretty risky. I would like to see what his car would do on nthe strip, though.
If I had to chose one word to describe that car , I would have to say "Evil"

Looks like it built for only one purpose and that's to go fast.

Some one put allot of engineering and craftsmanship into it, Definitely a one of a kind car.

I like it allot
Gimme a break! I saw Bob's car at Carlisle. It's tastefully done and has class.:cool
It's one thing to go fast, but to go fast and look great is the prize and 67Heaven wins by a landslide. That's my opinion

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