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BABY is finished & home............... YEAH!!!!!!

Andy said:
I think u need to move that tractor in the garage....

no other place to move it to Andy.

There is plenty of room in the front though so it's not really a problem.
Owing to other obligations this evening I can't see the video. But congratulations! When I took my 1967 home from the shop in May I was panic stricken. I was worried about my BVDs on the highway in case of getting behind a gravel truck. Not a lot has changed with a new paint job but I do drive. I am very happy for you! Over and out for today.
I understand about that first drive home completely!
I was leaving a LOT of space between me and everyone else around me and trying to avoid the trucks completely when possible. :D

Finally....it looks beautiful and I am sure the photos do not do it justice...I can't wait to see it at Carlisle... The paint job look great...the lines are very pronounced.

Guess what? I pick mine up Wednesday next week....ITS READY TOO....

Waiting for some final parts from Paragon...flat springs for the rear brake drums, the heat sinks that go in the back for the exhaust tips, and a couple of little items...so I will drive the trailer up and pick the car up...

I will be doing the same thing you will be doing this weekend, next week...cleaning it up.

Once again Barry, the car looks great and I am very very happy for you, and glad you kept the patience.....

Regards, Collin
hey Collin

thanks for the kind words and compliment on the car :)

I'm sure you can't wait to get yours back too! Don't worry, you are almost there and she IS a beauty.
You know we REQUIRE seeing pics when you get her home, right?

Yep, we will both be cleaning our cars like crazy ;LOL
IF this link works (I'm still having troubles linking off my new website) here is a video of leaving the shop and than arriving home into the driveway and the garage

if the link doesn't work just go to the website than to:
Corvette Pages--->Paint Job--->Baby's Homecoming

turn the sound UP :)

The car looks great in your garage, alot better than in that other place were it probably doesn't want to go back to.

And I was only off by one day in the pool, although I am glad you got it back sooner.

Tom M
Hi Sting

yep, she is a LOT happier in my garage too - with the exception that the paint shop has A/C in the summer and heat in the winter and mine doesn't. Oh well, she will have to learn not to be spoiled anymore ;LOL

I guess you were the closest in the pool and early is always better than late.
Barry, you're a lucky man! She looks right at home in that garage, Bet you'll sleep well tonight. Great video too.
I can give you a lap around the field if you want since the car will be parked there the whole time without leaving. I figure it's safer to leave her on the field at night rather than the hotel parking lot and fighting the traffic in her coming and going to the show each day.
Of course, since you have your own C2 I'm not sure how exciting a ride in mine will be. If you want the ride no problem though and if you don't, at least stop by and I'll treat you to a cold brew :)
Hi Studio
yep, I just look at my wife and the vette and I KNOW i'm lucky - I don't deserve either one.

My wife already told me as soon as I pulled in with the car that I'm NOT allowed to sleep out in the garage with it tonight. Funny, she said the same thing when I bought it last year and pulled it into the garage for the very first time. ;LOL
She doesn't have to worry, it's WAY too hot to sleep out there tonight anyway.
I was hopeing to do a couple of burnouts in the parade

Just Kidding,

BarryK said:
I can give you a lap around the field if you want since the car will be parked there the whole time without leaving. I figure it's safer to leave her on the field at night rather than the hotel parking lot and fighting the traffic in her coming and going to the show each day.
Of course, since you have your own C2 I'm not sure how exciting a ride in mine will be. If you want the ride no problem though and if you don't, at least stop by and I'll treat you to a cold brew :)
Sting Ray said:
I was hopeing to do a couple of burnouts in the parade

Just Kidding,


hey, that sounds great............... I'll be there watching to see what your car can do in some some burns.
Well I had the 27th in the pool and I'm glad to see I was wrong. Just think of it as having the thrill of having her new again and back in the garage and I'll bet you make MANY trips to the garage to see her. Best tell Linda if she wants to see you sometime soon maybe she oughta sit in the car in the garage...:L

See you at Carlisle!
Congrats on getting her home. Looks great ! I know how you feel. Mine should be painted by now but my body guy is a pain in the azz and keeps fixing and changing every little thing. I only have my self to blame for choosing the idiot to paint my car though as I am doing it myself. :D Hope to be shooting it by next week sometime.Car looks great :upthumbs
Barry A Sincere Congradulations.

You will have alot of fun cleaning it, Dont wash the car in the sun. watch your belt buckles leaning over the fenders (Take note of how Mark covered his fenders in his photos of his wireing) You body guy did a wonderfull job and it was worth the wait.

I hope you arm is healed enough that you get to enjoy driving it.

The first thing I would do it check you plugs to see if they are fouled from the short trips in and out of the shop
Linda knows where I'll be and where to find me ;LOL

you know we will all want pics of that new paint job - better get the camera ready. :)

thanks! :)
While detailing her, I plan on only wearing sweats (softer than jeans and no buttons, buckles, etc to scratch) PLUS handing a blanket over the fender when doing the engine compartment. I'm not not taking ANY chances of something stupid happening.

yep, the arm is fine now, thanks

Thanks for the tip about the plugs. I'll be sure to have the shop check them and probably just replace the plugs anyway to be safe while I'm getting the other service done. I found a new mechanic that my painter suggested so maybe he will even be able to finally find the timing issues and fix them that no one else has been able to do so far since I bought the car.
I also know that the battery died completely dead three times while at the painters and now has a bunch of corrosion on it that was on the battery last year so will probably change out the battery also to be on the safe side. I DON'T want to be stuck somewhere with a dead battery considering how much of a pain it looks to have to change it. Better now while it's in the shop so they can do it and I won't scratch anything trying to get it out myself. I mean geez, having to move the overflow tank to just get to the battery - what were they thinking when they made these cars? oh well!

Congratulations on getting your car back. It looks really great. And the good news is that there is still lots of prime cruising time left.

Enjoy the ride!

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