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BABY is finished & home............... YEAH!!!!!!

Thanks Bob :)

I used to be a photographer to make a living and I've always HATED being in front of the camera - more comfortable behind it, but I'm slowly getting used to it now since I do some work on camera selling products on the QVC shopping channel (don't know if you get that up North there). Still not thrilled being on camera but at least I don't complain about it as much since now I get paid for it. ;LOL

We meant for the video to be larger than it ended up but when we compressed it into Quicktime I guess we used the wrong compression level and it made the picture pretty small. This website stuff is still too new for me and i'm still learning it so i'm making all the mistakes. We maybe decide to redo it over to make it larger but I'm afraid the file size may kill people not on a broadband connection.
The car looks great, Barry. It's been a long process. :) Hope to see you at some of the local events.

I hear that this "Kahunaville" place in Wilmington, Del. is quite a place. I've never been there. They sure advertise a lot.

I'll dig out my passport so I can cross the border into Delaware one of these days. :) Chuck
Hi Chuck
haven't seen you post in a while - hope everything is good with you and Pat.
Thanks for the kind words about my car :)

Yep, Kahunaville has turned into a big place for car shows. They have a show & shine every Sun. Generally it's open to all cars although sometimes certain groups are sponsoring the shows such as a Vette club, or a Mustang club, or a tuner club, etc. Twice a month they also have burnout contests.
My local Vette Club holds our annual judged show there. It's on Oct 2nd this year if you can make it. You bring that '54 up and chances are you would steal the show! :)
On the other hand, after winning all those top-flight NCRS awards I'm sure a lowly local show is meaningless to you - but hey, you could come up for fun and drag Rick and Dennis with you. :beer
Barry..Alex and I just watched the video. Nice music by your "honey"...A real cool piece......Headed to the Delrods show at Dovers AFB today. Take some pics on the boat cruise tomorrow...Would be great to see.
Headed to Kahunaville Sunday..should draw about 150 -200 cars at least...as sunday is their trophy cruise......


BarryK said:
Hi Chuck
haven't seen you post in a while - hope everything is good with you and Pat.
Thanks for the kind words about my car :)

Yep, Kahunaville has turned into a big place for car shows. They have a show & shine every Sun. Generally it's open to all cars although sometimes certain groups are sponsoring the shows such as a Vette club, or a Mustang club, or a tuner club, etc. Twice a month they also have burnout contests.
My local Vette Club holds our annual judged show there. It's on Oct 2nd this year if you can make it. You bring that '54 up and chances are you would steal the show! :)
On the other hand, after winning all those top-flight NCRS awards I'm sure a lowly local show is meaningless to you - but hey, you could come up for fun and drag Rick and Dennis with you. :beer

glad you liked the video. I'll tell Linda she done good.......... :)

have fun in Dover today. We can't go, even as spectators - our A/C here in the house died yesterday and I have to hang out and wait for the service guys to come today and fix it. 6am and it's already 83degrees in the house and uncomfortable as h*ll.

you KNOW Linda will be taking lots of pics tomorrow on the cruise! :D
BarryK said:
Hi Chuck
haven't seen you post in a while - hope everything is good with you and Pat.
Thanks for the kind words about my car :)

Yep, Kahunaville has turned into a big place for car shows. They have a show & shine every Sun. Generally it's open to all cars although sometimes certain groups are sponsoring the shows such as a Vette club, or a Mustang club, or a tuner club, etc. Twice a month they also have burnout contests.
My local Vette Club holds our annual judged show there. It's on Oct 2nd this year if you can make it. You bring that '54 up and chances are you would steal the show! :)
On the other hand, after winning all those top-flight NCRS awards I'm sure a lowly local show is meaningless to you - but hey, you could come up for fun and drag Rick and Dennis with you. :beer

I know that Kahunaville is "on the waterfront" in downtown Wilmington. It's probably an hours drive for me. Can't make it this Sunday....we're celebrating my wife's birthday. (won't tell how many years :) )

I enjoy local shows and cruises. What I don't like are these all day NCCC shows, where you register at 8:00 AM and are "stuck" till 4:00 PM. That "ain't" my thing. :)

Hot up your way? Man, it's been in the low to mid 90's every day down here for the past 2 weeks. In the winter, they talk about wind chill factors. In the summer, they talk about the "humiture" or humidity index. That's been about 103 degrees.

I've completely lost my energy with this heat. Cutting the grass is a major undertaking.

The cars? Sad to say that it's just been TOO HOT to do much of anything, and that includes driving them and working on them. Chuck
yes, should be between an hour to an hour and a half for you - I forget where in MD you are. I won't be at this weeks Kahunaville show either - going on a boat cruise for the day.
Yes, been mid-90's and VERY humid here for almost 2 weeks. I hate this weather!
Got my car out of the shop finally and been wanting to detail it since it got home but it's too miserable to be out in the garage to clean her. Yesterday around 5:30-6am I went out to wash her and finished up dripping wet from the humidity and gave up on the rest of it. She may wait until the weather breaks to finish getting cleaned. I took her out for a 10 minute drive and same thing - too hot to enjoy her so she is sitting now. :(
Barry, Baby looks terrific, and the video is wonderful - nice editing job!

After six straight weeks of 90+ humid weather, I finally threw in the towel - the contractor will be here next week to install the A/C in my garage/office :) . The six days of 100* weather at Park City last week convinced me it was a good investment :D
hi John

thank you for the kind words about Baby and I'll be sure to tell my wife you liked her video :)

I'm surprised. After seeing a few pictures in the past of that luxury hotel you call a garage, that it didn't already have A/C in it. I'm sure you will be thrilled as soon as they get it installed for you. As for my garage, I'd be happy to just have a simple window A/C unit to put in the one window there is. It's only a standard sized 2-car garage so it would probably do enough to cool it down to a reasonable level and get rid of the excess humidity that sits in there in this heat.
Fantastic!! You must be absolutely beside yourself to finally have Baby at home. What a great video!! I like the selection of music as well!!

thanks Mac :)
yep, I'm REAL glad to see her back in the garage where she belongs.

I'll be sure to let Linda know you liked her video and music selection.
Great video Barry. Best of luck with it. Will look you up in Carlisle. Regards Brian
thanks Brian :)
yep, stop by and find us at Carlisle. We will be in the '63-'67 registry parking

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