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BABY is finished & home............... YEAH!!!!!!

Apr 2, 2004
Newark, Delaware
1965 Coupe L76 / 1978 L82
well, it's been a long wait and i'm sure most of you are as glad as I am that Baby is finally done and home again so that you don't need to hear about this drawn out adventure anymore............ ;LOL

She needs a bath very badly so I'm spending the next few days cleaning and detailing her than next week hopefully my mechanic can get her in the shop for oil and filter change, adjust the valves, etc.
After that it's time to ENJOY and DRIVE her.

My painter wants me to bring her back in in a few weeks to go over her again with the buffer so I'll do that just a few days before Carlisle so she looks her best at the show for all of you guys who are going to inspect her and mentally note everything wrong........... :D

Here she is back in my garage finally.




I am very happy for you! That's a pretty C2 and the paint looks great. Enjoy!

The Coors Lite pack has been opened.

BarryK said:
well, it's been a long wait and i'm sure most of you are as glad as I am that Baby is finally done and home again so that you don't need to hear about this drawn out adventure anymore............ ;LOL

She needs a bath very badly so I'm spending the next few days cleaning and detailing her than next week hopefully my mechanic can get her in the shop for oil and filter change, adjust the valves, etc.
After that it's time to ENJOY and DRIVE her.

My painter wants me to bring her back in in a few weeks to go over her again with the buffer so I'll do that just a few days before Carlisle so she looks her best at the show for all of you guys who are going to inspect her and mentally note everything wrong........... :D

Here she is back in my garage finally.

Well it's about freaken Time..!!!! The Vette looks great...!!! :beer

I like that sign that says "Barrys Garage"...... Then I looked over at the Pretty little frilly Curtains on the window and Thought.......Naaaahhhh He didn't pick those curtains ..... The Wifey did....

Mabe it should say..... "OUR Garage"......:L
Thanks Paul :)
not as pretty and meticolous as your '67 is but give me some time and I'll keep trying to improve her.

Coors Lite Paul??!! I thought all you guys up north stuck with Canadian beer. :D
67HEAVEN said:
Yahoo! That license plate sure is appropriate.

Barry.......... to you :beer

Bob, last year when I was trying to come up with a personal license plate for the car my wife thought up this one and it was perfect. Not only my feelings about the car, but also one of my favorite songs, so we had to get it
;LOL Mark

the "Barry's Garage" sign I picked up at Carlisle last year and the curtains are leftovers from the previous owners of the house. I only keep them up because I've been too lazy to ever take them down, besides they also help keep a little of the sun down thru the window.
That paint certainly is deep and rich looking Barry.... looks FANTASTIC!:upthumbs
BOUT DAMN TIME.... now it's time to go out and get some miles on her... Dave..
BarryK said:
well, it's been a long wait and i'm sure most of you are as glad as I am that Baby is finally done and home again so that you don't need to hear about this drawn out adventure anymore............ ;LOL

Here she is back in my garage finally.
That's wonderful!!

She looks beautiful.
Congrats on bringin' her home! Here's to you and Baby!:beer

I think it is just a trick.....must be with mirrors.....I figured that car would not be back at home until September.......congratulations!!!!!

once I get the oil and filter changed, etc I'm going to put PLENTY of miles on her :D
hard to believe I know but no mirrors. she is actually home.
I've already peeked out into the garage 3 times in the last 2 hours to actually make sure she is really sitting there - still hard to believe she's finally back home but at last she is

Barry, your car is beautiful.

Are you sure that's your car?

Maybe you should go out to the garage and check to make sure!
hi 67Air

Thanks for the compliment - I'll pass it along to Baby
yep, she is mine :)
To be honest, from the day I bought her I still find it hard to believe she is mine.

oh, in about 1/2 hour I should have a video up on my website of me leaving the shop with her and than pulling up my driveway into the garage with her. TURN UP THE SOUND on your computer because the video camera did a great job of picking up the rumble of the sidepipes. :D
Well I guess that answers the other thread. Was starting to think we were going to have a marathon.

I don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to finding stuff wrong. I'll just stand and drool.........

Congrats on getting her back. See you in Carlisle.
I think u need to move that tractor in the garage....

BarryK said:
hard to believe I know but no mirrors. she is actually home.
I've already peeked out into the garage 3 times in the last 2 hours to actually make sure she is really sitting there - still hard to believe she's finally back home but at last she is

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