I just recieved my rebuilt dash today and installed it. Lo and behold... It lit up like a Christmass tree!!! Nice to see it worked great. I hooked a light up between the negative battery cable and the battery and still have battery drain. I pulled my L.C.D. fuse and the light went out. Can anyone tell me what exactly this fuse controlls? I also found my center console lights dont work and I have found 5 cut wires. That I think went to the radio harness, but maybe not I don't know. these wires are colored 1-pink w/white stripe, 2-solid pink, 3-brown, 4-grey, 5-black. Anyone have any ideas where they go? The factory radio is gone with an aftermarket radio in its place. I have turned the radio on and it lit, but I didn't see if the speakers worked or if it held memory. Any ideas? I need help!!! Thanks again Guys!