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Can anyone tell me if theres a device I can buy to pressurize the power brake master cylinder on my 65 to get all the air out of the brake system?
I've rebuilt/replaced all the components but I can tell that there's still air in the system.
Only ways I know of.....vacuum systems that suck on the bleeders, or have someone push the pedal down or gravity bleed

those are the ways I know of how to do it. Gravity bleed seems to work pretty good, just takes time, just don't let the MC run out of fluid.
I recently read about one that pushes fluid from teh caliper to the MC.. looking for the article... Sorry not at thand but I saw pics adn it had a how to article that went with it.
When I have yoru wounded
Hey John,
What about the cap that screws onto my MC. Does that come with the kit or do I need to sacrifice one of my existing caps and modify it to attach to the bleeder unit?
Hey John,
What about the cap that screws onto my MC. Does that come with the kit or do I need to sacrifice one of my existing caps and modify it to attach to the bleeder unit?

As I recall, their #1105 GM adapter will work on the '65-'66 Corvette power master cylinder; the fluid inlet hole spacing in the adapter fits within the spacing of the reservoir openings.

I use a 6" C-clamp and a length of aluminum tubing to clamp the adapter to the master cylinder instead of the chain-and-wingnut arrangement they supply.

I have this tool and the c clamp is a great idea
I have used the chain and wing nuts, it is clunky but does
work and I paid a lot more than 65 for it.

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