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Blue paint on the engine

Cowtown Dave

Active member
Aug 26, 2003
Cowtown, Texas
65 Convertible 327 4 sp white/blue
A friend is looking at a 65 convert in Missouri and said he could see blue paint on the engine as if it were original? Its an 870 block dated after the est. build date with a blank pad. He isn't going to buy it but my question is would a service replacement engine be painted blue?
That's a good question. I was in GM parts when they were using corporate blue on the engines but I can't remember if service replacements were blue or not. 327 engines would have been available at that time as far as short blocks and fitted blocks go. I'm sure they were bare cast iron.

That's a good question. I was in GM parts when they were using corporate blue on the engines but I can't remember if service replacements were blue or not. 327 engines would have been available at that time as far as short blocks and fitted blocks go. I'm sure they were bare cast iron.


To the best of my recollection Corporate Blue first appeared on 350 ci motors in 1977.

Don't know about 327's and Corporate Blue.

Could it possibly be that Prussian Blue appearing dye that was sometimes seen on blocks in the bell housing area? I have also seen it on new production cylinder heads from GM.


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