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Help! C3 Chassis Dimensions/Solidworks Model

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr.L-88
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I am new to this Forum; but have been very impressed with what I have seen so far. I am in the process of updating my C3 drag car that currently has a 9" ford rear end and 4 link suspension to a more road worth design. I have several ideas in my head; but would like to put them into a soildworks model before I start cutting moly. I would like to ask for any assistance that the group could give me in finding a reliable source for C3 dimensional data for the frame and suspension. I have searched past posts on this and other forums and found there similar links for a solidworks model of the C3 Frame and rear suspension. Unfortunatly the link seems to be dead. If anyone could help me out with obtaining one of these files or similar data it would be much appreciated. I hope that this request is not out of line for the Forum.
Mr.L-88 ~ Welcome to the Corvette Action Center Community ~

I'd suggest getting an Assembly Manual for the year C3 your are considering ;)

You can find the manuals on eBay or aftermarket suppliers, they should be around $20 ~ $25 and are worth every cent :dance

Here is an example of one page I posted a while back for someone, it is the front end assy. of a 1981


If you are looking at a 1981 frame, I can scan what you need (if I have them) and send them to you or post them ..

Good luck on your project, and welcome aboard, enjoy the :Steer


I appreciate the suggestion; but what I am looking for is "math data" or blueprint dimensions. I would prefer solidworks, as it is the program I use on a day to day basis with my job. The kind of data that I am looking for is a 3D electric model or a 2D blueprint.

P.S.Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome to CAC

instead of trying to "undo" a car that has been back halved why not get either a replacement "stock" frame or an aftermarket tube frame using updated suspension systems sell your old frame to a drag racer to help finance it. There are several vendors making frames including on in Detroit making originals from the original dies.
Welcome to CAC

instead of trying to "undo" a car that has been back halved why not get either a replacement "stock" frame or an aftermarket tube frame using updated suspension systems sell your old frame to a drag racer to help finance it. There are several vendors making frames including on in Detroit making originals from the original dies.

I understand what you are saying; but this is not what I am wanting to do. I do not want to replace my frame. I just need a baseline Cad Model to model what I have now and model what I am wanting to do later. There is not a bolt on frame or suspension on the market that would satisfy me and even if there was I would want to build my own. Thanks for the sugestion; but in my case it just does not apply.
You are not going to find math data for a chassis that was designed in the early 1960s. It is unlikely you will find blueprint data detailed enough for you to put the C2/C3 chassis design into CAD. There is some frame dimension data in some factory service manuals but it is of the type that body shops need to repair collision damage.

I suggest you find another car, preferably one going through a frame-off restoration, and take measurements, then bring that data in to your CAD application.
I am new to this Forum; but have been very impressed with what I have seen so far. I am in the process of updating my C3 drag car that currently has a 9" ford rear end and 4 link suspension to a more road worth design. I have several ideas in my head; but would like to put them into a soildworks model before I start cutting moly. I would like to ask for any assistance that the group could give me in finding a reliable source for C3 dimensional data for the frame and suspension. I have searched past posts on this and other forums and found there similar links for a solidworks model of the C3 Frame and rear suspension. Unfortunatly the link seems to be dead. If anyone could help me out with obtaining one of these files or similar data it would be much appreciated. I hope that this request is not out of line for the Forum.

Check out an article in Corvette Enthusiast 'july 2008' "the frame Game" . The article is about a company named "Vette Products of Miichigan" They are lic by GM to build new '60s & '70s frames. They have all the numbers as to what the frame should be becuase they are biulding brand new vette frame and parts to the GM specs.

Hope this will help in some way, :beer
You are not going to find math data for a chassis that was designed in the early 1960s. It is unlikely you will find blueprint data detailed enough for you to put the C2/C3 chassis design into CAD. There is some frame dimension data in some factory service manuals but it is of the type that body shops need to repair collision damage.

I suggest you find another car, preferably one going through a frame-off restoration, and take measurements, then bring that data in to your CAD application.


It exists and has been displayed on this forum and shared as a download on other vette forums. I thought that someone migh still have a copy that they would be willing to share. Here is a link to a thread that shows what I am talking about.http://corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84491&highlight=solidworks

The frame off idea is where I might have to go; but I thought that I would start here first.
Good luck, I guess you are of the mind if I want it done right I'll do it myself, I can understand that.
hopefully Twin Turbo still has the info you need.
Hey L-88, welcome to the CAC. If you're anywhere in the Ohio area my '74 coupe has the body off if you want measurements.

It exists and has been displayed on this forum and shared as a download on other vette forums. I thought that someone migh still have a copy that they would be willing to share. Here is a link to a thread that shows what I am talking about.http://corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84491&highlight=solidworks

The frame off idea is where I might have to go; but I thought that I would start here first.

It may exist but what I see in that board is 1) not a stock Corvette chassis, but one which has been modified also, there's no information as to whether or not it's to scale, nor is there any dimensional info of the type you'd need to accurately model the chassis in CAD. 2) the thread refers to a six-link independant rear suspension whereas what you mentioned in the first post of this thread is a four link/live axle suspension. The two are very different.

My guess is you're going to need to find a stock chassis which is straight and get the coordinate measurments for your CAD model off that.

I'd think an even better solution would be to talk to a chassis fabricator experienced in suspension design and ask him/her how your existing four-link can be modified to work well on the street.
Thank you to everyone for your help. I have been given the path to the files that I need. Once I get it wher I want it, I will try to post some of the models, so everyone can see how they are useful.
I have a very rough ProE model of a 73 frame that I am currently restoring.
But it is not accurate enough for anything useful. I was only trying to determine the center of gravity so I could build a frame rotissory so that I could rotate it easily without going lopsided.

I looked at the frame to see what effort it would be for a more detailed CAD model and determined it would take about a month of effort to detail it sufficiently. The frame has a lot of nooks and cranies. Most of it is not straight. There is a lot of weird angles and tappered sections. Also each frame piece is made up of two halves welded together.
Just taking accurate measurements would be a pain. You would need to establish a baseline data plane and measure from there in X,Y and Z directions --accurately. It was a pain just to measure the body 8 body mount positions for accuracy using a rotating laser.

So it's a lot of work. Also since it was designed pre CAD era, original files are probably all paper. Even if you got hold of the original paper drawings, it would take a lot of effort to translate into 3D CAD.

For all the effort, you'd want to sell the CAD files, but I don't think there are too many people that would be willing to buy them.

Steve L
73 coupe since new
Thank you to everyone for your help. I have been given the path to the files that I need. Once I get it wher I want it, I will try to post some of the models, so everyone can see how they are useful.

Hey L-88, I'd be interested in any 3D corvette model files you have, or links to them. I can convert from just about any 3D format to any other 3D format. Thanks, Dan.

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