There are three things I'd recommend for you.
1) Go out and buy
The Corvette Blackbook. It will have all you want to know about engines, HP ratings, specs, options, number of whatever produced, etc. It's probably the most easily attainable, complete book of Corvette facts that you'll find.
2) Call Eckler's and Corvette Central and have them send you out their catalogs. They can actually be a very good source for learning about parts, as well as ballpark figures on what replacement parts are going to cost you.
Ecklers: 800-327-4686
Corvette Central: 800-345-4122
3) Browse more than just the first page of posts in the C3 forums. You'll find many beginner questions asked and plenty of answers. Many of which center around engine swaps, engine tricks, etc. And use the search function on the site. Put in a few key words and you'll be surprised at the amount of info it will return.
There are even plenty of posts I've seen about "What to look for when buying a new vette" and such. All good posts with even better answers.
There's tons of excellent info to be learned by using the CAC as a resource for yourself. Consider it homework or research. Spend time reading through various posts. It'll be worth your time and likely help you decide what you really really want AND likely help you save a few bucks in the process!
While you're at it, you can peruse this thread which talked about aftermarket "crate" engines. ("Crate" engines are just that. Brand spankin' new engines that arrive at your doorstep in a big wooden crate, just waiting to be dropped in and fired up!)