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C4 weather stripping issue


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2014
Stephens City Va
1998 Jet black coupe
Hello CAC world it has been awhile since i had to post any issues i guess that is a good thing my latest issue is i need to replace all the weather stripping on my C4 i had actually bought a kit off of Ebay for a decent price (that probably should have been my first red flag) and when i got it i had a mechanic friend of mine install it, He had told me that the rubber was pretty hard and he was finding it difficult to get it to work properly well anyway a few weeks later he had it finished and now both my doors you have to shut very hard to get them to shut all the way and both windows leak still atually even worse than it ever has, i contacted a corvette mechanic in my surrounding area (should have did it this way to begin with) and he told me that he gets issues like this all the time in his shop with people buyin aftermarket kits and the rubber is hard and they are not the soft latex like the original OEM product should be he told me he could fix it and i will need to replace the whole kit again with the correct one so basicaly all i did before is a wash, my question is how much can i expect to pay someone that deals only with corvettes to charge me for installing this weather stripping set including the kit itself? if anyone knows please let me know im am figuring around a 1000 based on the kit costing about half of that has anyone else had this issue with buying aftermarket kits for their car?

Thanks in advance,
No direct experience with this, but would think that is a reasonable amount. When I had my C4, I bought a new weatherstrip for the rear window and installed it myself, what a PITA.
My C-4 looks as though I may have some leaky issues coming, so stopped by the local Chevy dealer, and this is what they said. "Can't get the stripping you need as it is no longer available. But I did print off an estimate sheet showing part numbers and prices, If he could get the parts the total job cost would be $3,472.21. Parts and labor."
My C-4 looks as though I may have some leaky issues coming, so stopped by the local Chevy dealer, and this is what they said. "Can't get the stripping you need as it is no longer available. But I did print off an estimate sheet showing part numbers and prices, If he could get the parts the total job cost would be $3,472.21. Parts and labor."
Hello i since my last posting of this last year am still dealing with the issue i took my car to a corvette repair shop "thats all they work on are corvettes" and he told me the rubber i had bought was bad and i pretty much had got ripped off ,he said for their shop to fix it it would cost me around 2000 to 2500 with them buying the new rubber and replacing it, i do no you can buy the correct OEM product from a place called Corvette rubber.com it cost around 6 to 7 hundred i have just not gotten around to finsihing it yet i may sell the car it is currently tarped, the guy at the corvette repair shop also told me that C4's don't really have any worth and they were one of the lesser selling models of the Corvettes unless it is a ZR1 he recommended to me to sell it based on the repair for the rubber would cost about what the car itself is worth unless i had sentlemental attachment to it, it about broke my heart to hear that i love the car so at this point im still un-sure of what i am going to do with it if i end up selling it or keeping it, good luck to you getting yours fixed
I still say if you like the car, do it. If you have a little mechanical ability, you can install it yourself.
You Tube is your Friend!

You are receiving some very inaccurate advice.

The C4s are now appreciating in value.
I have owned a New 92, New 94 & New 96 Collector Edition Coupe w/ LT4 Engine - 6 Spd ZF Trans & the Torch Red Interior. I still own the 96.


  • 96 Corvette Collector Edition Coupe 6-07-18.JPG
    96 Corvette Collector Edition Coupe 6-07-18.JPG
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My suggestion is this:

Find a Corvette Club or two in your area. They can point you in the right direction as far as a reputable & reasonable Corvette Shop.

As far as the Weatherstrip Kit. Search for Steele Rubber. (I know - funny name! It's a family name.)
They can send you in the mail a Custom Catalog with only the specific parts you need for your Vette.
They have a very high quality product. Ask me how I know!

The job is tedious. But not that hard. Check out You Tube. Lots of step-by-step videos. I don't mean for you to do the job yourself. At least you will know what the Vette mechanics are doing & you will be able to discuss the job with them in an intelligent manner.

They will be impressed with your knowledge & they will not be able to pull a fast one on you!


  • 96 Corvette Collector Edition Coupe Pic 2 6-07-18.JPG
    96 Corvette Collector Edition Coupe Pic 2 6-07-18.JPG
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My 92 was a Bright Red Coupe. So, I know exactly what Corvette you own.
I put 51,000 miles on it in 2 1/2 years.
Traded it in one morning & it was gone that afternoon.

To all the C4 doubters out there.

Production of the C4 ran from 1984 to 1996. 13 years. Longest run of a Corvette Generation EVER!

358,180 C4s built.
That's a LOT of Corvettes!
And the reason why the Corvette is still being made!
Hello CAC world it has been awhile since i had to post any issues i guess that is a good thing my latest issue is i need to replace all the weather stripping on my C4 i had actually bought a kit off of Ebay for a decent price (that probably should have been my first red flag) and when i got it i had a mechanic friend of mine install it, He had told me that the rubber was pretty hard and he was finding it difficult to get it to work properly well anyway a few weeks later he had it finished and now both my doors you have to shut very hard to get them to shut all the way and both windows leak still atually even worse than it ever has, i contacted a corvette mechanic in my surrounding area (should have did it this way to begin with) and he told me that he gets issues like this all the time in his shop with people buyin aftermarket kits and the rubber is hard and they are not the soft latex like the original OEM product should be he told me he could fix it and i will need to replace the whole kit again with the correct one so basicaly all i did before is a wash, my question is how much can i expect to pay someone that deals only with corvettes to charge me for installing this weather stripping set including the kit itself? if anyone knows please let me know im am figuring around a 1000 based on the kit costing about half of that has anyone else had this issue with buying aftermarket kits for their car?

Thanks in advance,
I bought my top quality weatherstripping kit from Weatherstrip Special. 888-999-7876 San Jose, CA
I took my time and successfully installed it myself. This material works very well. No leaks.

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