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C5 Recomendations and Cautions

The head-up display was first available on the 1999 C5 - I know, as I ordered this option when I purchased by 1999 C5.

The active handling and traction control first became available as a mid-year, 1998 model option. It was available as an option on the full model year 1999 C5, and later became standard.

Gents, I stand corrected. Thanks
If you have kids or grandkids, get a model that allows you to disable the passenger air bag. That's one thing I don't like about my 99.
If you have kids or grandkids, get a model that allows you to disable the passenger air bag. That's one thing I don't like about my 99.
My 2000 has that figure and my grandson loves to go for a quick spin now and then. I bought my vert in March of this year with just under 36000 miles and I could not be more pleased. I would echo the advice of others, get the newest, lowest mileage C5 that you can afford and drive the heck out of it. Good luck with your search.
I am considering selling my C3 and buying a C5. Are there any years that I should avoid, or particular problems encounter with specific year models of the C5.

Thanks in advance

There is something to be said for the simplicity of the C3s. :cool C5s are fun to drive. I love mine. But, there are days when I'd love to pull out all the computer crap and drop in a 427 SB or 454 BB with an 850 Holly carb, some nice headers and go tear up the road. (I know...pollution control folks will get me if I do that with a late model car and do not replace the cats)

I am torn with all the sophisitication that is built into the Vettes these days. Maybe I am just too far over the hill to get used to all these petty issues with BCMs, quirky ABS, expensive computers mysteriously located directly under the battery, no way to check your tranny fluid w/o lifting the car completely off the ground..and it goes on and on.:confused:confused :ohnoes

I am actually considering buying a C3 just to tinker with...;)

There is something to be said for the simplicity of the C3s. :cool C5s are fun to drive. I love mine. But, there are days when I'd love to pull out all the computer crap and drop in a 427 SB or 454 BB with an 850 Holly carb, some nice headers and go tear up the road. (I know...pollution control folks will get me if I do that with a late model car and do not replace the cats)

I am torn with all the sophisitication that is built into the Vettes these days. Maybe I am just too far over the hill to get used to all these petty issues with BCMs, quirky ABS, expensive computers mysteriously located directly under the battery, no way to check your tranny fluid w/o lifting the car completely off the ground..and it goes on and on.:confused:confused :ohnoes

I am actually considering buying a C3 just to tinker with...;)


I'm not a gearhead, but I am totally with you on that thought;)

Unfortunately there is only so much one can "tinker" with on these cars and not have significant four-digit issues.:ohnoes
The standard "words of wisdom" is buy the newest, lowest milage you can afford. :L My $.02 is buy the one that clicks when you see it; :cool I prefer a higher milage well maintained car over a low milage garage queen. "They" say "don't buy a first year car" ;LOL I have two first year cars that are trouble free; my 97 has been the most trouble free car I have ever owned; period!!!
A well maintained car with high miles is more likely to be trouble free then one with low miles because anything that was a "problem" would probly have been done already.
I find with my C5 that the harder I run it the better it runs :upthumbs
The newest year you can afford, the 01 and later has an additional 25 flbs of torque. I would avoid the 97 model...

I wouldn't rule out the 1997 Vettes so fast.

bossvette said:
my 97 has been the most trouble free car I have ever owned; period!!!

I couldn't agree more with bossvette. I had one and aside from a bad tensioner (replaced tensioner and belt per service bulletin) and the phantom gas gauge issue (a re-flash took care of that).... I have no complaints. They are great cars.

You actually have two former 1997 Vette owners who've owned other Vettes that concur on this one. Must mean something!

I was living in Germany at the time and I brought her over 120mph routinely. It was a solid car.

I sold it because I was afraid that after becoming accustomed to 120+ driving that I'd get arrested when I came back to the US.
I was living in Germany at the time and I brought her over 120mph routinely. It was a solid car.

I sold it because I was afraid that after becoming accustomed to 120+ driving that I'd get arrested when I came back to the US.

they do ride nice at over a 100 don't they. :upthumbs
My 2000 has every option that was available in the later years except the Magnetic ride control. It does the the Z51 instead. Though there have been minor upgrades in computer software for things like the active handling, the really important thing is you get the options that you wanted. I wanted everything, and got them except the color that I really wanted was the dark blue. I got 'Stealth' silver. It has saved me from a few tickets I'm sure since I blend in with the gray of the northwest skies and freeways better than the red, blue or yellow. No matter what year you get, there will always be some little problem you will have to deal with. These cars in my opinion are not as trouble free as a Toyota Camry (My wifes car). But then again nobody says 'Cool Car' from the sidewalk when you drive by in a Camry like they have with my 'Vette. It's just the price you have to pay to drive a status symbol bred from a Formula 1 heritage. My neighbor had his 30K mile checkup on his 'Status Symbol'. It is a Ferrari Testorosa. His checkup cost $15,000 because they practically rebuild the motor. That's what he told me. The first couple of years I had the car I did have some expensive repairs, but I'm hoping that they will subside. This year it wasn't mechanical expenses, it was cosmetic. I had to have the rocker panels repaired after a mis-hap with me backing out of my driveway and hitting the curb. I also replaced the leather seat covers with 100% leather. I hope this helps. - Ron
I'd get Junkie to send ya the history on the 03 silver vett he has for sale .It's possibly the best built 03 out there.
I bought my 2004 new in July 2004. Used the warranty once to replace a split in the console cover; otherwise no problems in 38 months. Have heads-up and and all the electronic goodies (memory seats,etc.).

I did absolutely panic once. I have a Vararam intake and it came loose at the intake gasket, sending me a O2 sensor error message. I stopped at a dealer and the tech pulled the plug on the mass airflow sensor while reconnecting the Vararam intake and forgot to plug it back in. My God, what horrendous error messages that will give you; not to mention that it will ultimately not let the engine run above idle.
The standard "words of wisdom" is buy the newest, lowest milage you can afford. .....I find with my C5 that the harder I run it the better it runs :upthumbs
There's a reason we call him "Boss." I couldn't agree more with both statements.

- Eric:w
I have the Heads Up Display (HUD), traction control :lou on my 2000 Coupe too. . . . . . Yes I do!!! I would say go as new as your pocket book would allow, you get what you pay for or at least you hope so if your paying attention :L

Good luck,
Bill :w
I enjoy the '01 C5 hatchback I purchased this April with 26.5k miles on it. It now has 45k miles on it and it seems to use lots of gas. The car gets about 23 mpg around town and has hit 30 mpg on the highway... but i have been filing it at least twice per week. Is this driver error or driver enjoyment???

As far as performance, I was pleased with 103.95 mph and 13.99 seconds in the 1/4 mile. The car is stock except for the Corsa mufflers. Getting the 6-speed to launch took some trial and error corrections but may go faster if it really hooks.

This one may be for sale in the spring - time to break in another C5.
I am considering selling my C3 and buying a C5. Are there any years that I should avoid, or particular problems encounter with specific year models of the C5.

Thanks in advance

Unlike many other auto's where the 1st year commands a premium prive/value, that is not the case for the 1997 C5. They only made 9000+ of them for a reason. Just as they had trouble bringing out the C3 in 1968 and the C4 (having to skip the entire 1983 year) they had similar problems working the kinks out of the new C5. Avoid 1997.
no 6Shooter, someone is steering you wrong. BLACK is faster.

I would have to agree with this :beer
Thirded! ;)

We have a motion, second and third. All in favor say "aye."

*counts 'ayes'*

I think we have a majority: Black is faster! :D

Sorry, Dwayne, but it's another victory for democratic traditions.

Just love the democratic way, being in the majority and the right to agree to disagree. A win win situation as I see it, but most of all the right to choose and the country to be able to do this in!!!


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