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C5's In The Snow

atmmac said:
I just put my car away on sunday.....time for another long painful winter..

I love the Calif weather. It's worth an earthquake once every ten year's to be able to drive the Vette almost every day.
:) :w
atmmac said:
I just put my car away on sunday.....time for another long painful winter..

Yup :( There is NOTHING I like about Winter. Wake me up when the salt is washed from the roads, snow and cold are gone and its back to Topless driving :)
Lets just hope this Winter is a short one and we can get back on the road. I'm jealous of those on the Sunny part of the Left Coast and the Southern states who can drive year round. Save the Wave!

although my car is in orlando and i'm back in snow country i miss the car.Next visit is Jan 12th.Jan. is a terrible month to cold and to much snow! 6 mons. is just to long.I wish you all a very short winter.
MsSchroder said:
Everyone knows that the Best Snowploys are Milennium Yellow!


This is true. They do that so that the plow doesn't clash with the yellow snow.

My Vette is nice and dry in the garage. I would never even attempt to drive it in snow for a ride. I move it in snow if I have to do something in the garage but that is rare and with 2 other garages available now I don't have to. However as soon as I can see the pavement after a snow storm I will drive it. I just make sure to pressure wash the whole car afterward. My Vette is too much fun to drive to let it sit all winter in the garage.


Hey - Tammy as you can see "real" Corvette drivers plow topless.

Remo said:

Hey - Tammy as you can see "real" Corvette drivers plow topless.


Well, the important thing is to keep your head warm. Be sure to wear ear muffs!
vett boy said:
Just got back into snow country and the first thing i noticed was a c-5 vert covered with slush and salt plus heavy sand on the roads.It sometimes makes me sad that one of the finest autos in the world end up in the hands of people who are so callus.

Callus? If you drive your Vette on days other than nice sunny days... you may be doing so because you either like to drive it or have to. My '97 is my daily driver. I drive my Vette as often as possible. Yes, that means I drive it is somewhat slushy conditions. I love my Vette- and in German winters I drive on the roads right next to the Porsches with snow tires! Besides, if it is too nasty outside... I take my wife's car.
DarkShark78 said:
Callus? If you drive your Vette on days other than nice sunny days... you may be doing so because you either like to drive it or have to. My '97 is my daily driver. I drive my Vette as often as possible. Yes, that means I drive it is somewhat slushy conditions. I love my Vette- and in German winters I drive on the roads right next to the Porsches with snow tires! Besides, if it is too nasty outside... I take my wife's car.

Way to go DarkShark! I too enjoy my Vette too much to let it sit all winter dorment. Glad to see I am not the only one.

As i need to point out again ,Vetts are living breathing things that have feelings.A Porche doesn't have feeling thats why you can find parts in a junk yard and the same part carn be used on either end.A porche doesn't even know which direction it's going in.The next wash/wax take the time to talk to the Vett ,get to know it.My car and i talk because it makes more sense than my wife.
vett boy said:
As i need to point out again ,Vetts are living breathing things that have feelings.A Porche doesn't have feeling thats why you can find parts in a junk yard and the same part carn be used on either end.A porche doesn't even know which direction it's going in.The next wash/wax take the time to talk to the Vett ,get to know it.My car and i talk because it makes more sense than my wife.

My Vette Loves you:);) Vettes are very special and should be treated as more than the every day car.
I drove my car one winter, no choice, had to get to work. It was just fine until the snow was 6 inches deep. Then it was a just a snow plow.
i could never store my corvette away for the winter, i will start to suffer from
"vette withdrawal".as long as the roads are dry i will be cruzin.i think if any car is sitting around more than a month you are doing more harm than good.
these cars were built to be driven not to collect dust,
sorbet02 said:
i could never store my corvette away for the winter, i will start to suffer from
"vette withdrawal".as long as the roads are dry i will be cruzin.i think if any car is sitting around more than a month you are doing more harm than good.
these cars were built to be driven not to collect dust,

AMEN!! These cars were made to be driven not to sit and collect dust.
coolhandluke said:
The Horror!!!!!!!!!! The inhumanity!!!!!!!!!!
And what about those of us with no garages, what other choice do we have?

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