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C5's In The Snow

MoeJr said:
I will not drive it in the snow because that is like trying to do the 40 yard dash on a hockey rink. However there is a guy here in Manchester NH that has a 95-96 C4 that he drives year round. He wanted a Vette and in order for him to afford it comfortably it meant driving it year round. Let me tell you I have seen him out in the nastiest stuff winter has to offer here in NH and he has never gotten hit. When he comes home from work he has to climb a small hill. Never seen him stuck and he can always stop that thing coming down it.

I have a C4 and C5 (among others) and the C4 goes in snow like a good solid 4x4 as compared to the C5 which goes more like a drunk grandma on broken roller skates!
MoeJr - Here's Torch Red 1 for ya! :upthumbs

lemish said:
I have a C4 and C5 (among others) and the C4 goes in snow like a good solid 4x4 as compared to the C5 which goes more like a drunk grandma on broken roller skates!
I saw a nice red C5 out in the snow in Colorado Springs this Saturday. I was glad to see a fellow Corvette owner enjoying a cold and blustery day out and about in his Corvette. However, I did not see another C4 on the road. I traveled about 75 miles in the ice and snow taking my daughters to their week end events. So I agree with Lemish C4s do well in the snow.

I saw lots of SUVs and 4WD trucks sliding off of the road. Corvettes handle the snow well if one knows how to drive.
Its supposed to snow again tomorrow and I can't wait.

Thanks 6-Shooter. Nice pic.

I have moved my C4 around in snow and it does move well for a sports car but I have never tried to drive it on snowy roads. Just moved it in the yard.
I have driven two C5's in the snow. My '97 A4 with the run flats was TERRIBLE in the snow. My Z06 with the stock tires was even worse. The Michelins on there now are a little better, it is still almost undrivable in the snow. If I know it is going to snow, the 'Vette stays in the garage. But I have been caught at work after a snow a few times, and I have managed to get home. Not fun.
A little ice and snow isn't going to hurt the car nearly as much as hot sun and sand storms. I don't drive my vette in the winter because it just isn't practial here. To much chance of having more snow than it can get through. I don't fault anyone for driving their Vette in adverse conditions.
I don't drive in the snow either but to box mine up for 4 or 6 months.......I'd be getting robbed. I enjoy her year round and will continue to do so, garage or no garage. Does that mean my corvette won't be the shinest in 20 years.......maybe, but she will certainly still look great, and on top of that I'll have plenty of memories of me driving her and having a blast rather then just memories of staring at her in the garage. Each to their own I guess.
coolhandluke said:
The Corvette Commandments:

5- .... And Thou salt not drive her in snow or Ice this could casue her damage.

See you all in Hades... I'll buy the first round!
6 Shooter said:
She's even Silver !!!


First Impressions:
  • Color is excellent.
  • Convertible - very nice choice.
  • Substantial ground clearance.
  • Agressive rubber.
  • Should be a great ride for those that just have to drive a vette in snow.
vett boy said:
I partly have to agree that Vetts should be enjoyed 12 mons. a year .But i just couldn't bring myself to do what your doing MoeJr.-----And for you "6 shooter" vetts are living breathing things that have a lot of feelings.It's more than a clique piece of composite fiberglass.It's almost human .Or could i say almost human plus.

That's why Vettes love the Califorina cheese.......:D :beer :w
G Winter said:
A little ice and snow isn't going to hurt the car nearly as much as hot sun and sand storms. I don't drive my vette in the winter because it just isn't practial here. To much chance of having more snow than it can get through. I don't fault anyone for driving their Vette in adverse conditions.

G Winter - I commend you. That is the type of mature response I expect from the members here. Just because you don't believe in driving in the winter, doesn't make those that do NUTZ/CRAZY/IRRESPONSIBLE or any of the other knee jerk labels I've seen thrown around.

To each his own - and best of luck to you.
PreacherNutshot said:
G Winter - I commend you. That is the type of mature response I expect from the members here. Just because you don't believe in driving in the winter, doesn't make those that do NUTZ/CRAZY/IRRESPONSIBLE or any of the other knee jerk labels I've seen thrown around.

Until one of these guys slides into you during a "white out"- then he'll immediately earn one of those "labels".

One of the the dumbest things in the world is buying a great car like a Corvette and letting it sit in a garage for 6 months cause your too lazy to put a little elbow grease into keeping it clean.
You really dont have a clue. So all of us who have the common sense to treat our cars more than the every day driver and STORE it out of the cold and snow and ice and salt and some idEot shattering it are lazy. ROFL! Sorry I dont and WONT ABUSE my car.
DebC504 said:
One of the the dumbest things in the world is buying a great car like a Corvette and letting it sit in a garage for 6 months cause your too lazy to put a little elbow grease into keeping it clean.
You really dont have a clue. So all of us who have the common sense to treat our cars more than the every day driver and STORE it out of the cold and snow and ice and salt and some idEot shattering it are lazy. ROFL! Sorry I dont and WONT ABUSE my car.
Cold, snow and ice won't hurt the car, and salt doesn't get on it from it sitting outside during snow falling, neither do idiots often crash into the car even if its outside. Why is your definition of abuse versus use, the only sensible one?
DebC504 said:
One of the the dumbest things in the world is buying a great car like a Corvette and letting it sit in a garage for 6 months cause your too lazy to put a little elbow grease into keeping it clean.
You really dont have a clue. So all of us who have the common sense to treat our cars more than the every day driver and STORE it out of the cold and snow and ice and salt and some idEot shattering it are lazy. ROFL! Sorry I dont and WONT ABUSE my car.

I do have a clue. Vettes are made to be driven not parked in garages like trophies. Deb I have been in the auto business with my Dad since I was a toddler. I know more about what will damage a car and what won't then you could ever fathom. I would bet my bottom dollar that I put more blood and sweat into my car care in one night than you do all year.

I will not however get into a war of words with you on this subject. I made my opinion known and I stick by it. We all own our cars and love them and I can guarantee you in 20 years my 84 will still look just as good as your 04.

Remo, Remo, Remo.
Look what you have wrought. You did this on purpose, didn't you? ;)

(Is it time to increase your dosage?) :L

Remo knows the topics which push people's buttons. I think it is his little mischevous streak that rears its head this time of year :D
I'd like to make a couple comments: MoeJr my licence plate says "live free or die" also. I'd rather die.Second i have a fading trivia memory tha about 69 G.M tinkered with the idea of a 4wd vett.Third on a personal note due to unfathomable circumstances i've been allowed to head south for six weeks as i wish.Yes Vetts should be driven year round i'm headed South next week to bond with-----Quicksilver away!!

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